The papers are listed here chronologically. In order to help navigate through
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March 22, 1936 Shipping Order to Damien Lafleur Load on separate flatcar 15 maple (hard) logs 13" to 16" in diameter at top all 16' long. Deliver to Thurso where they can be transferred to Mack Truck for delivery to Forest Products Laboratory, Ottawa, Ont. March 27, 1936 From P.B. Bourget to Damien Lafleur LOCOMOTIVE CLEANING In future paint shall not be used on front ends. After entirely removing paint now there - wipe with cleaning fuel oil using sacking for wipers. Each day the end will be wiped with a rag "damped" in the oil. All parts can be cleaned in the same manner including the lagging, rods, wheels, tender, etc. BRASS - the bath brick what was delivered to P.Smith yesterday will be crushed as required into powder placed in an empty #1 coffee can. The powder is picked up in the can on the rag damped with cleaning fuel and used to shine the brass parts including the bell. Click here to return to TNVR Locomotives. March 31, 1936 From P.B. Bourget to Damien Lafleur On your Daily Reports, form Th 80, please show the number of gallons of water taken by our locomotives from the Thurso stand pipe each day. This is important as we have to pay the local Municipality for any water used at the standpipe by the TNVR. Your first report should be the water taken by the Heisler #3 here yesterday. April 5, 1936 From P.B. Bourget to Damien Lafleur We have given you a supply of TNVR forms this afternoon. April 22, 1936 From P.B. Bourget to Damien Lafleur Locomotive report dated April 17 Engineer Herb Smith, reports that
the dump grate bar has to be welded where it fits into the slot because the
end has been burnt. This means only one thing that the ash pan has been left
too full as there is no other way that the end could be burnt. Make arrangements
with Mr. Lamb and bring the part to Thurso for welding when convenient. May 1, 1936 From Lamb to Scheult CROSS HEAD WEDGE - LOC #3 May 9, 1936 From P.B. Bourget to Damien Lafleur We would like to arrange with Mr. Scheult and organize as follows
when you start picking up the logs on the main line:- May 10, 1936 From P.B. Bourget to Damien Lafleur Please give us an estimate of the number of cattle guard sections required at the various public crossings. There are some crossings where, we believe, these cattle guards could be dispensed with entirely and so not include these in your estimate. When reporting please show the mileage of each crossing and the guards required by that crossing. May 15, 1936 From P.B. Bourget to Eugene Danis Memo concerning exemption from jury duty for M. Danis, 26 May. May 19, 1936 From P.B. Bourget to Damien Lafleur On Thursday 21st, at noon, we expect one of the car shop foremen of the CPR on the noon train from Montreal. He is coming to look over our new double bunk cars made with the wooden sills and give us some ideas regarding the construction of these cars in the future. Will you therefore have one of these cars unloaded and outside the car shop for Thursday noon. May 20, 1936 From P.B. Bourget to Damien Lafleur LOADER #1 May 20, 1936 From P.B. Bourget to Scheult Attached is a shipping order for 100,000 feet of Veneer Logs, the
whole to be shipped to the St. Johns factory during the week ending October
31, 1936 unless the weather dictates an earlier movement. May 20, 1936 From Scheult to Damien Lafleur We shall not need Omer Cassie for a few days. If you can arrange to have him on the section he would arrange for his own board. June 1, 1936 From P.B. Bourget to Damien Lafleur Please deliver to the Car Shop the following:- June 3, 1936 From P.B. Bourget to Damien Lafleur> VISIT OF LORD TWEEDSMUIR The party is expected to arrive at 10:30 A.M. June 4, 1936 Switching Order to Damien Lafleur Old Locomotive Tank on upper track, switch out to track 6 north of slab road crossing, before Monday June 7/36. Click here to return to TNVR locomotives June 9, 1936 List of TNVR employees with their seniority dates. June 10, 1936 From L.E. Hird to Damien Lafleur Kindly advise the following employees that their engineer and firemen
certificates should be renewed before June 30. June 15, 1936 From Roads Dept., Lachute to Roads Dept., Papineauville The manager of the Singer Manufacturing Company informs us that when you grade the road between Thurso and Ripon you are leaving the blade down on the rails. This is dangerous because this will cause stones to lodge in the flangeway and this could lead to a serious accident and even loss of life to the train crew who are bringing down logs for the company. We could be held responsible for such accidents. In future, before going over a grade crossing, you should take the precaution of raising the blades of your grader so that the flangeway does not become blocked with stones. June 23, 1936 From P.B. Bourget to Messrs. Damien Lafleur and Lamb Albert Degagne will be here to start work on pond first thing Thursday June 25th. Mr. Lafleur will pick out a turnout, load sufficient ties, etc. for the job and have them for Saturday noon. Touchette will pick out and cut cedar "flatted" to the following lengths (these are shown in detail). Get from northwest corner of yard for Saturday noon. June 29, 1936 From P.B. Bourget to Scheult Attached is a copy of a letter addressed to the Canadian Society
of Forest Engineers, Ottawa Valley Section. August 4, 1936 From P.B. Bourget to Damien Lafleur Note concerning men returning to work after an accident before receiving a doctor's certificate. September 26, 1936 From P.B. Bourget to Damien Lafleur and Lamb We shall have fifteen 30' rails brought from Headquarters for installation in the concrete in front of the piers of the new deck. These can be cut in two by acetylene. There are three extras for beam bearings. Mr. Lafleur should send all scrap rail if possible for this work and send slip to the office when delivery is made so the railway gets the credit for the rails. September 29, 1936 From L.E. Hird to Lamb The movement of the Plymouth locomotive next Saturday will be. October 1, 1936 From L.E. Hird to Damien Lafleur Further to my note of September 29 referring to the movement of the Plymouth on Saturday next, we will require space for 6000 #3 common and better maple to be brought down to Thurso either in a flat placed at Ripon for the purpose or loaded on the train when the "2 spot" makes the trip to bring down the loaded boxcars with the gravel and the stone. October 2, 1936 From P.B. Bourget to Damien Lafleur As soon as you receive this, kindly telephone me or Mr. Hird if I am absent if it is still possible for us to load a minimum car of scrap rails. The minimum weight is 40,000 pounds, this would mean you would require at least seventy 56 pound rails 30' long. October 5, 1936 Shop order to TNVR Loading stones at Cairo Lake. October 5, 1936 Shop order to TNVR The building of a new piece of track at Iroquois Lake. October 6, 1936 From E. Danis to Engineering Loader #2 Put new floor under boiler. 1 new smokestack, 1 fibre on the friction. 1 nipple 2" on the fill pipe. 2 new niddle (sic) grates I injector, 4 valves to be grinded October 19, 1936 From Imperial Oil to L.E. Hird Refers to letter of 8th October concerning barrel of Imperial Winter Black Oil that was somewhat different in colour to the Winter Black previously received. This clearer oil will give you lubrication equal to that previously supplied. October 19, 1936 From L.E. Hird to Damien Lafleur Please deliver to the log unloading deck 300 feet of #56 scrap rail as soon as possible. November 7, 1936 From P.B. Bourget to Lamb and Damien Lafleur Grease for gearboxes in Heisler.
June 12, 1937 From P.B. Bourget to Damien Lafleur Just as soon as possible we would like you to reduce to a minimum the number of workers on the railway payroll, consistent with safety. I would also like to discuss this with you at the first opportunity. June 17, 1937 From L.E. Hird to Damien Lafleur and others Kindly advise the following employees that their engineer and fireman certificates should be renewed before June 30. Full list shown. June 18, 1937 From P.B. Bourget to Damien Lafleur I have just read Mr. Hird's letter of 17 June respecting licenses for engineers and firemen. Mr. Hird was not aware of the fact that fireman's licenses are no longer issued and those who are firemen or in charge of a pressure vessel such as a loader or locomotive must obtain 4th class engineer licenses. In this class there would be A. Desgagne, R. Boucher, L. Purdy (if he so desires) and E. Danis. There is one difficulty in obtaining this fourth class engineers license and that is that the applicant must be able to read and write. In such cases where an employee has been with the same firm for a long time and has been in charge of a pressure vessel, we can sometimes have this regulation waived, but the license issued is only good so long as he works for the same company, which in this case would be ourselves. We think it would be a good idea for those mentioned to let us know if they wish to try for this examination and I can make the necessary arrangements with the Inspector at Hull and if possible to hold it at Thurso or Headquarters and I do not anticipate ant difficulty in obtaining the necessary license. We think that at least Mr. Boucher and Mr. Danis should avail themselves of this opportunity. August 20, 1937 Loading order to Damien Lafleur 10/12000 ft hemlock logs will be delivered to loader this Saturday or Monday August 21 or 23. Kindly load immediately and deliver to Thurso. Advise sawmill when delivered to pond. August 25, 1937 Shipping order to Damien Lafleur We shall give you the responsibility of distributing these slabs equally amongst the employees at Headquarters, including Mr. Purdy. If not sufficient please advise. August 30, 1937 From L.E. Hird to Damien Lafleur Loader #2 Blowoff Valve November 6, 1937 P.B. Bourget to Damien Lafleur Mr. Ernest Lanthier was in today and tells me that we have one wooden culvert or pipe culvert across the track which is entirely blocked with dirt. He states that this culvert is almost directly in line with his farm buildings. Will you please investigate and advise if this is a wooden box or pipe and the condition in which it is found. If this is a wooden box it might be advisable to inspect it thoroughly and if a replacement is required, tell us the size of the pipe we would need. ![]() March 15, 1938 From P.B. Bourget to Damien Lafleur HENRI SEGUIN October 18, 1938 From P.B. Bourget to Damien Lafleur and Scheult After considering past accident record of Henri Seguin it is suggested that he is an undesirable employee. Kindly advise if Mr. Leonard Beauchamp of Thurso has been fired as directed. |
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