Parisian Living
December 2006 to January
2007 and December 2007 to January 2008

Christmas and New Year 2006-2007/2007-2008 we
rented apartments, through Perfectly
Paris, in the 17th arrondissement. This is an
account of some wonderful
experiences. Walking to the apartment for the first time we
a brasserie La Colombie and were greeted by the resident small
dog. He barked at us the first time but after that just looked
out at us as an indication that he had accepted us. We passed him
every day and were amused at his antics. He might be fighting his toy
which was almost as big as he was, learning the internet on his
master's lap in front of the computer, escorting guests to their table
or just sleeping soundly on a chair under the table in the window.

Rue de Saussure

The local bar with the little dog looking out through the door

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