Morrisburg Leader 1 February 1929 Floyd Graham, a young man of Hurlburt, today is alive and well, akthough his car was struck by the International Limited at the Canadian National Railways crossing about a mile east of Iroquois. Graham had slowed down to allow a westbound freight to pass, and failed to notice the eastbound flyer. His machine was thrown back against a fence and badly wrecked. Graham was not injured in any way Winchester Press 7 February 1929 An Iroquois despatch reports that Floyd Graham, of Hulbert, Matilda township, when travelling from Ireoquios to his home, had his car struck at the gravel road level crossing, east of Iroquois by the International Limited. Mr. Graham escaped with a severe shaking up, not being thrown out of the car, the engine of which was, however, totally demolished , while the rear wheels were knocked off. Preparing to cross the tracks after a westbound freight train had passed, Graham failed to notice the approach of the fast train. |