![]() Believe shortcut was fatal for Hull man Israel Robillard, returning home from work at Booth plant, is victim of horrible accident. Israel Robillard, employee of the J. R. Booth Company, married, residing at 95 Boulevard St Joseph, Hull, was instantly killed, and his body was most horribly mutilated, when he was struck on the Pontiac crossing on the Aylmer road yesterday afternoon by the outgoing C. P. R. Pontiac train from Hull. There were no eyewitnesses to the accident as far as can be learned, but it is believed that the unfortunate man was taking a shortcut to his home, and was walking on the tracks near the crossing when the train appeared. Why he did not see it or hear it approaching, nobody knows, but the locomotive struck him squarely and he was thrown under the wheels, the greater part of the train passing over the body before it was brought to a standstill. Neither member of the train crew, the engineer, Mr. Joseph Gilchrist, 25 Grant street, or the firemen, Mr. Thomas Davidson, saw the man on the tracks. They realized, however, that they had struck something, and after the train had been pulled up and the Conductor A. E. Wright walked back, the severed body of the unfortunate man was discovered within 15 feet of the crossing. Gauthier's ambulance was summoned and the remains, on the order of Coroner Dr. Joseph Isabelle, were removed to Gauthier's undertaking parlours, Hull, where an inquest will be opened this evening. Mr. Goulet, foreman for the J. R. Booth company under whom Mr. Robillard was employed, stated that the latter had asked permission to go home early and had left about five o'clock. The accident happened 20 minutes later. The late Mr. Robillard was married and leaves beside his grief-stricken widow, two small children. The engineer of the train stated that when approaching the crossing he had sounded the whistle on the locomotive, the bell was ringing, and in addition, an automatic bell at the crossing was sounding a warning of the approaching train. How, under these circumstances, Robillardt failed to know of its approach is mystifying the authorities. Ottawa Journal 13 July 1926 BOOTH EMPLOYE IS CUT IN TWO BY C.P.R. TRAIN Israel Roblllard. Aged 59, 95 Boulevard St. Joseph, Hull, an employe of the J. R. Booth Company, was instantly killed yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock, when the engine of the C. P. R. Ottawa-Waltham train. No. 381, ran over him at the intersection of the C. P. R. tracks and the Aylmer Road. The body was completely severed, the trunk being found between the tracks and the lower part to the right. An inquest will likely he opened at Gauthier's Undertaking Parlors, Hull, this evening by Dr. Joseph Isabelle, Hull district coroner, who was called to Notre Dame de Laus yesterday afternoon to investigate the death of Mathias Morin. Police are of the opinion that Robillard may have noticed the train approaching and tried to hurry across the tracks ahead of it. In doing so be was evidently caught by the train and carried about ten feet when he fell on the track, being cut in two. That such is the case is born out by the position of the body when picked up. Roblllard is known to have been somewhat deaf. Owing to the time of the accident, and the general traffic on the Aylmer road there was a lengthy line ot cars stopped shortly after. The body was removed to Gauthier'e Undertaking Parlors where it will remain until the opening ot the inquest this evening by Dr. Joseph Isabelle. Mr. Robillard is survived by his widow and two small children. Ottawa Citizen 20 July 1926 NO BLAME FIXED ON ANYONE FOR DEATH HULL MAN Coroner's Jury Finds Late Israel Robiilard, Who Was Struck By C.P.R. Train, Died Accidentally. At the inquest conducted last night at Gauthier's undertaking parlors, Hull, by Coroner Dr. Joseph enquiring into the death of Israel Robillard. aged 69 years, an employe of J. R. Booth Company. formerly residing at 95 Boulevard St. Joseph, and who was instantly killed on July 12 by the C. P. R. Ottawa-Waltham train No. 381 at the intersection of the C. P. R. tracks and Aylmer road, the jury rendered a verdict of accidental death. In making their verdict, the jury exonerated the train crew of any responsibility. The train crew and several eye witnesses were called upon to testify. The first witness was Joseph Gilchrist, the engineer, of 25 Grant street, Ottawa. He testified that there was no bell at the intersection. but that a clear view of any on-coming trains could be had from the crossing. The train, he maintained, which was coming from Hull West station, was travelling at about 10 miles an hour. As the crossing was reached the bell was operated and the whistle blown. The first intimation he had of the accident was when he heard a strange noise and when the train was stopped at 140 feet from the crossing a man was seen under the wheels. The next one to testify was Thomas E. Davis, the fireman, of 469 Parkdale avenue, who had been on the run for four years. He stated that he was not in a position to see anyone near the crossing at the time, as he was busy firing to meet the extra pressure required for the up grade. In his evidence, Mr. A. E. Wright, the conductor, of 181 Cameron street, stated that the train was not exceeding 10 miles per hour on the heavy grade at the time of the accident. Proof of the slow rate of speed was amply demonstrated, he stated, in the train stopping up within 140 feet. As he was occupied witb his duties, he was unable to see what was going on outside. Other witnesses gave evidence to the effect that the train travelled slowly, the bell rang, and the whistle blew just before reaching the crossing. Also reported in the Journal same date. |