Chesterville Record 24 July 1924 Glengarry News - Fatal Accident At Green Valley Crossing Thursday morning, July 17th, about 9 o'clock, an automobile driven by Raymond Lefebvre, son of Mr. H. Lefebrve, merchant, Green Valley, while crossing the C.P.R. tracks at that point, was struck by the morning westbound train from Montreal. On the running board of the machine at the time were Alex. and Martin Emburg, sons of Mr. James Emburg, blacksmith, also of that place.. Alex. Emburg, aged eleven, met instant death while his brother had both legs and one arm broken and is now lying in a precarious condition in the Hotel Dieu Hospital Cornwall. Raymond Lefebvre sustained the fracture of several ribs and internal injuries are feared. Dr. J.T. Hope, who was on the station platform at the time, at once rendered medical aid and Dr. Monfette, Dolan and Charbonneau hastily responded to the call and every assistance was rendered. |