![]() Perth Courier 27 August 1915 Freight Trains Collide at Christy Lake The first accident which has occurred on the new C. P. R. lake shore line between Glen Tay and Trenton happened at Christy Lake shortly before 8 o’clock Monday morning. Luckily no one was killed or injured although considerable damage was done to the rolling stock and tracks. A west bound freight was taking the siding a few hundred yards west of the depot and before it had completely cleared the main line a freight train bound east crashed into the former. Neither of the trains were proceeding at any great speed, which luckily prevented a more serious accident. Immediately after the accident happened a telephone message was forwarded to the C. P. R. auxiliary wreck crew at Smith Falls, as well as to the work train crew (numbering about fifty] at Mud Lake bridge. Both of these trains hurried to the scene and the crews were soon at work clearing the main line. This was accomplished shortly before the time due for the arrival of the noon express. The cars struck by the freight engine were loaded with flour and it was strewn from fence to fence. The cylinder of the engine and other forward parts were badly damaged while the ties at the switch were torn to splinters. Roadmaster Miram (sic) Long was early on the scene of the wreck and superintended the work. Several freights in transit were delayed all along the line. The accident attracted a large number of summer visitors at the lake as well as many of the farmers from the surrounding country. |