Morrisburg Leader 20 February 1913 Two Killed Mr. Brown and a Neighbor Woman Named Mrs. John Grant Killed at Cardinal Crossing by Fast Train West. Friday morning last just before 11 o'clock, a sad and fatal accident occurred on the Grand Trunk Railway at a public crossing a short distance west of Cardinal station, and at a point where the International limited would be running at a high rate of speed, in fact at a place where the fast train would be making its best in order to make its connections at Prescott and Brockville, which are among the few stops that it has to make. The victims were Mrs. John Grant and Mr. Allen Brown. Both are residents of the 4th concession of Edwardsburg, and neighbors. Mr. Brown was driving into the village and kindly took Mrs. Grant along, who desired to do some shopping there. All went well until the approach to the crossing was made. They were seated in the buggy with the top up. Mr. Brown wore a cap pulled over his ears, and near the crossing looked out to see if all was clear, but owing to the fact that the cap prevented him from hearing the approach of the fast-moving train in time to avert the accident, the buggy was struck with great force, and it's occupants were hurled into the ditch. The train was immediately stopped. Engineer Conrad applied his brakes when he saw the predicament those driving were in but owing to the conditions was unable to prevent the tragedy. Both bodies were picked up but death had intervened. Dr. Locke, of Cardinal, was called but the unhappy victims were beyond recall. Dr. McPherson, Prescott was notified and left that afternoon for Cardinal to hold an inquest. Mr. Brown was about 55 years of age, and Mrs. Grant was aged 50 years. The train was in charge of Conductor D. White, of Toronto, and Engineer Conrad. The body of Mr Brown was badly mangled, especially about the head. Portions of it being carried some distance. Mrs. Grant while injured internally did not show many external marks, only a few abrasions. Kemptville Weekly Advance 20 February 1913 Cardinal Couple Killed by Train Mrsr. John Grant and Mr. Alvin Brown Victims of Fatal Accident A Cardinal correspondent writes: A very sad accident occurred on Friday February 14th, when Mr. Alvin Brown and Mrs. John Grant were struck by the train, and instantly killed on the railway crossing just outside the village of Cardinal. Not noticing the train approaching, they drove on to the track and suddenly the horse stopped, and Mr. Brown looked out of the top just as the train struck them. Mr. Brown's body was very badly bruised, but Mrs. Grant only received a few scars on her face. - - - |