Bay of Quinte Railway
southbound train 12,
BQR Engine #1, consisting of six freight cars, baggage and
coach derailed 5 miles north of Kingston.. Front truck of
second car left track, ditching five cars baggage car and
Two freight cars, baggage and coach left the track, ran down
as 12 to 15 foot embankment and finished upside down at bottom. The
track was in good condition and the car that derailed first
was almost brand new. The accident was caused by the failure
the truck to right itself after coming off a curve. This can
occur with new equipment, often because of the roughness
between the bottom and top centre plate surfaces. Two were killed
and fourteen injured.
This is the Ottawa Journal report: The Bay of Quinte Railway train inbound from Tweed this morning jumped the track. The second car from the engine and four freight cars, the mail car and a passenger car were hurled down an embankment. The engine remained on the track and brought the news to Kingston. Mrs. Alfred Brown of Moscow was killed. Two women were seriously hurt, Mrs. Fahland of Clam Falls, Wis., who suffered terrible cuts about the head in addition to internal injuries. She is likely to die. Mrs. A.A. Yourex of Moscow received severe injuries to the back. There were fifteen passengers on the train at the time and it is a miracle that several were not killed. |