Details of Railway Accidents in the Ottawa Area

1910, July 25 - The Mocassin passenger train is derailed at Brockville through sabotage. No injuries.

From the Ottawa Journal 25 July 1910

G. T. R. Dissatisfied
Inadequate Military Protection, They Claim.
Want Men From Permanent Force.
Mocassin From Montreal Derailed.
Special to The Journal.
Brockville July 25 - the soldiers of the 41st regiment who were called out after Friday night's strike riot at the Grand Trunk depot, are still on duty there night and day, patrolling the platform with relays of twenty-five taking the hours allotted to them. Despite the vigilance of the soldiers a dastardly train wrecking feat was accomplished Saturday night shortly before nine o'clock a couple of hundred yards east of the platform upon the arrival of the Mocassin from Montreal. The train was slowly pulling into the depot, and after the engine and first trucks of the baggage coach passed over the William street crossing switch it was tampered with in such a way as to cause a derailment of the rear trucks of the baggage car and the three coaches following, containing forty passengers.
The cars were not overturned, but simply skidded along the ties until the engineer applied the air brakes. The damage was slight, and neither the passengers nor crew sustained the slightest injury, although all were more or less badly scared.
A Detachment of the soldiers was at once placed on guard of the train until workman succeeded in rightng matters, the the job occupying several hours.
Yesterday afternoon a freight train was tampered with on leaving the yards for Montreal, an angle cock being closed which automatically applied the brakes, and the train was stalled on a steep grade just outside the town limits. The displacement of the apparatus was righted and the freight proceeded without further incident. Another freight was also moved west during the afternoon, and shortly before six o'clock a train pulled in from Montreal. All these trains contained manifest goods.
The remains of a plow point with found on the main line two miles east of Brockville this morning. During the night, it is thought, it was placed on the rails with a view to train wrecking.
It was reported tonight that the Grand Trunk authorities are dissatisfied with the services of the local militia. In the ranks of those on duty are numerous strikers, who it is feared will not do their full duty should occasion demand. The railway is pressing for a detachment of the permanent force. Making the change rests with the mayor, who will call a special meeting of the town council today to advise him as to what further action should be taken.

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Updated 2 May l 2019