![]() HURLED HIGH IN THE AIR Two People Hit by Train from Ottawa. ACCIDENT HAPPENS NEAR ALEXANDRIA. Passengers See Man and Woman Sustain Injuries. Likelihood That J. St.Johns Will Die. Ottawa passengers who reached the Central Station at noon today brought news of a railway accident at Alexandria this morning in which the Ottawa G. T. R. passenger train bound for Montreal figured. John St. John's, a retired former now residing at Alexandria was badly and possibly fatally injured, and Madame Letraille, who resides in Kenyan township, near Alexandria, was also hurt. St. John's was driving and had in the conveyance with him Madam Letraille whom he had overtaken on the road and had offered a lift to, as he was going to Alexandria, whether she was also bound. At Alexandria the train coming from Montreal to Ottawa and the local that goes to Montreal, cross and from what The Journal could learn they were not going at any very high rate of speed. The Ottawa engine caught the hind wheel of the carriage and both St. Johns and the woman at his side were hurled fifty feet. The horse escaped, but the convayance was badly wrecked. Injured Internally. This was quite near the station and the officials there did everything possible. Dr. McLennan was at once summoned and it was found that St. Johns' right leg was broken at the thigh, that he was injured internally, and that he was cut badly about the head. At noon he was conscious, but as he was quite an elderly man there is little hope of the doctors being able to save his life. He is well known at Alexandria and the accident caused many expressions of regret. Madame Letraille was also very badly shaken up, but the exact nature of her injuries could not be stated. No bones appear to be broken and her condition is not looked on as being as serious as that of St. Johns. Trains Crossing. At the spot where the trains usually cross there was this morning a long freight and this had to pass before the passenger train from Ottawa. St. Johns waited at the crossing, and it is thought when he saw the long freight go by he imagined the track clear. In this he was evidently mistaken, for the engine drawing the train from Ottawa struck the rig. The Ottawans who had heard of the accident could not state the exact age of the parties, but knew that both were past midldle life. A depatch from Alexandria at noon stated that both Mr. St. Johns and Mme. Letraille were alive yet and receiving every care, but it is feared St.John's life cannot be saved. Ottawa Citizen 26 April 1907 CRASHED INTO A FARMER'S RIG Probably Fatal Accident on G T. R. AT ALEXANDRIA Man in Serious Condi tion but Woman's Injuries Are Less. Alexandria. April 2 (Special) The G. T. R. express from Ottawa to Montreal, struck a carriage at the dossing at 10.30 this morning, throwing the two occupants several feet off the track. The one. Mr. John St. John of Alexandria, a man about 59 years of age. was very badly Injured, and at present there is little hope held out for his recovery. Mrs. Mary Landry, the woman who was driving in the rig with him, was badly injured but it ss believed will recover, unless some Internal injuries have been received, which the physicians have not yet found out. The two were driving across tha track on the road leading to the village, and it is believed that the long freight on the siding and piles of lumber prevented Mr. St. John from seeing the aproaching passenger train. The train was slowing down to make the station, but the speed was yet too great and the engine caught tha carriage fair, tearing it from the horse which escaped uninjured. The carriage was smashed in an instant and Mr. St. John hurled fully 120 feet into the side of the roadbed. He was picked up unconscious and carried into Mr. Wm. McDonald's house, nearby. The injured man has his head badly crushed, his left leg broken above the knee, and his left hand and forearm mangled. The wound in the head is most apt to prove fatal. He recovered consciousness for a few minute and again sank into unconsciousness. Mrs. Landry was not so badly injured, although thrown nearly 50 feet. Dr. McLennan was called and is attending to the injured people. Mr. St. John has been transferred to the local hospital. Both parties are residents of this place, and the unhappy oecurrenca causes general regret. Ottawa Citizen 29 April 1907 DIED OF HIS INJURIES Alexandria, April 27. (Special) John St. John, who was injured on Friday, when a vehicle in which he was driving was struck by a G. T. R, express on the crossing here, died on Friday evening. |