![]() Ottawa Journal 29 February 1904 One of the colonist cars of the Toronto Express that left for Montreal on Saturday morning jumped the track and rolled down the embankment (10 - 12 feet high) about three miles east of Smiths Falls. No other car left the track even though the train was going at high speed. Five injuries. Merrickville Star 3 March 1904 EXPRESS HAD AN ACCIDENT C.P R. COLONIST CAR OVERTURNED AND FIVE PASSENGERS INJURED. The Toronto Express met with an accident about half way between Smith's Falls and Merrickville early Saturday morning. The second class colonist car left the rails and rolled down the embankment. Five passengers were injured none seriously. They were : Frand Ballard, Chicago, en route for England. J. Callan, 16 St. Patrick street, Montreal. George Hugo, 329 Bathunt atreet Toronto. J. I. Winn, Smith's Falls. Louis Henrichon, Maisonneve. As the car turned twice in the descent it is a miraculous that many were not killed. The injured were immediately carried to the private car of the Hon Mr. Tarte, which was attached to the train, and everything was done to relieve their suffering. Passengers in the other cars felt a severe shock, but the colonist coach was the only one to leave the rails. The train returned to Smiths Falls for medical aid. Two physicians dressed the injuries and the train proceeded on its way . The train arrived in Montreal about noon. STATEMENT BY RAILWAY. Mr. C. W. Spencer, the superintendent of transportation for the C.P.R., when seen said : "The tourist car attached to the Toronto express, No. 6, left the track three and one-half miles east of Smiths Falls this morning. "The bank alongside the railway track is in summer about ten to twelve feet high, but at this season of the year it is pretty well packed with snow. As a consequence the car merely went clear of the track and turned over on its side. "Beyond a severe shaking up and some light bruises the passengers in the derailed car fortunately escaped unscratched. They were all transferred to the other cars, and the train was backed into Smiths Falls where all were breakfasted. "The train resumed its journey at 8.25, and reached Montreal before noon. "We have not yet been advised as to the cause of the accident. The track was found in perfect condition, and an examation ia now being held to determine whether a broken wheel occurred. That cannot be ascertained until the car is raised from the snow. "The accident is supposed to have been caused by a broken axle. |