![]() Ottawa Journal 9 August 1901 A COLLISION AT RENFREW West Bound Local Ran Into East Bound Freight but all Escaped With a Shaking up. Renfrew, Ont., Aug. 9. - the westbound local on C. A. R. due hear at 6.20 ran into the east bound way-freight last night by taking the switch instead of the main line. The switch board was properly set but in some way the switch was wrong or else sprung by weight of train. The engines and tender, along with two or three cars were smashed somewhat but all the passengers and employees escaped with a severe shaking up. The wreck is now cleared away and the line is again fit for traffic. Almonte Gazette 16 August 1901 A local and a freight train of the C.A.R. had a collision at Renfrew last Thursday The engine and some of the cars were wrecked, but the passengers and the employees escaped with a shaking up. |