![]() A sad fatality. Engineer of Canada Atlantic train killed at Maxfield's in a slight collision. Jacques White, engineer on the Canada Atlantic Railway, died at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon at St.Luke's hospital as the result of injuries that he received in a collision between two trains at Maxville at 11 a.m, on the same day the deceased resided with his brother-in-law, Mr. George W. Robb, 40 Argyle Avenue. White was an engineer on a ballast train that was backing into a siding at Maxville. A freight train was coming into the station at the same time. The brakes on the latter train did not act promptly and the two engines came together. White had stepped to the foot plate of his engine to see how his train was progressing. When the collision took place the coupling between the engine and tender of the ballast train broke and White was pinned between them. His ankles were broken and one knee was crushed. He did not seem to be severely injured internally. A train was run into Ottawa and White was taken to St. Luke's hospital. He died soon after reachung the institution. Dr. Freeland, the coroner, was notified and he decided that an inquest was necessary. This will be held this morning at S. Rogers and Sons morgue. The circumstances in connection with White's death are very sad, inasmuch as he was the only support of a widowed mother. She arrived Saturday in Ottawa from Smiths Falls, in which place deceased formerly resided, and she is almost heartbroken by her son's death. White was a widower, his wife having died last summer. He had no family. The damage to the trains was inconsiderable. None of the other train men were injured. Ottawa Citizen Monday 12 November 1900 JACQUES WHITE'S DEATH, Inquest Touching the Fatality Commenced This Morning. The inquest touching the death of the late Jacques Whyte, engineer on the C.A.R., who died Saturday afternoon, as the result of injuries received in a collision at Maxville in the morning, was held this morning at S. Rogers & Son's morgue. Mr. M. Guffney, engineer of the way-freight train said that the accident occurred between Greenfield and Maxville. He .said that when he had noticed the bailast train, he had whistled for brakes. When he saw that a collision was inevitable he jumped. His train had been moving at about four miles an hour. Dr. McKinnon, of St. Luke's hospital, said that Whyte was apparently in a dying condition when taken to that institution. He did not revive under the application of restoratives, and died twenty minutes after reaching the hospital. A. Wright, fireman on ballast train, slated that his train was pulling out of the siding onto the main line. He did not see the way freight until it was quite near. Whyte did not jump and was caught between the engina and tender. At 12.30 the jury adjourned until 2 p.m. Ottawa Journal Monday 12 November 1900 DIED AT HIS POST A fatal accident occurred on the Canada Atlantic railway Saturday, engine driver Jacques who resided at 40 Argyle avenue, being the victim. From the evidence given at the inquest held by Dr. Freeland this morning, it appears that White, with a ballast train of 25 cars, was pulling out of a gravel pit ituate [sic] between Maxville and Greenfield on Saturday morning and that the regular freight No. 11 was going east, ngine [sic] driver Gaffney saw the smoke of the ballast train nearly a mile from the curve where the pit is situated and whistide [sic] several times. He was going about ten or twelve miles an hour and the ballast train was coming out on to the main line at about four miles an hour, om [sic] twelve cars being on the line when the two engines came together The driver and fireman of ths freight jumped, as did the fireman on the ballast train, but White failed to do so. and was driven by the collision against the board at ths reaar [sic] of the cab, a great wound being made in his back, his right thigh fractured and a compound fracture of ths left knee ensuing. He was sattended [sic] by Dr. McDiarmid, of Greenfield, and in the afternoon wa sbrought [sic] to St. Luke'e hospital, where he shortly afterwards died from the shock. The inquest was adjourned at noon to-day. Deceased was a widower without family, and ths only, support of hls mother. He formerly resided at Smith's Falls. Both the engines were so badly damaged as to be put out of running. Lanark Era 14 November 1900 A Sad Fatality Jacques White, engineer on the Canada Atlantic railway, died at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon at St. Luke's hospital, Ottawa, as the result of injuries that he received in a collision between two trains at Maxville at 11 a.m., on the same day. Tha deceased resided with his brother-in-law, Mr. George W. Robb, 40 Argyle st, Ottawa. White was an engineer on a ballast train that was backing into a siding at Maxville. A freight train was coming into the station at the same time. The brakes on the latter train did not act promptly and the two engines came together. White had stepped to the foot plate of his engine to see how his train was progressing. When the collision took place the coupling between the engine and tender of the ballast train broke, and White was pinned between them. His ankles were broken and one knee was cracked. He did not seem to be severely injured internally. A train was run into Ottawa, and White was taken to St. Luke's hospital. He died soon after reaching the institution. The circumstances in connection with White's death were very sad, inasmuch as he was the only support of a widowed mother. He arrived Saturday in Ottawa from Smith's Falls, in which place deceased formerly resided, and she is almost heartbroken by her son's death. White was a widower, his wife having died last summer. He had no family. An inquest was held on Monday and the jury returned the following verdict: " This jury decides that Jacques White came to his death through injuries sustained on the morning of the 10th day of November, 1900, the ballast train of which he was driver having been struck by train No. 11, and we are of the opinion that the accident would not have occurred if such train No. 11 had been properly surpplied with air brakes. " Mr Whyte [sic] was a brother of Mrs. Wm. Allan, Balderson, and had many relatives residing here and in this vicinity. |