![]() Ottawa Citizen Saturday 23 June 1900 RAILWAY GOSSIP The Canada Atlantic employees will hold their annual picnic at Renfrew today. The affair is always a large one and participated in by all classes of the employed and their friends. It is usually held at Clark's Island, in the St. Lawrence, but this year a change in favor of a point on the Western Division was decided on. A fine program of sports has been prepared and with fine weather this success of the event is assured. Special trains for the excursionists will leave Ottawa at 7.30, 9 and 12.50 and Renfrew at 6.15, 4.20 and 5 p.m. The guards band will furnish music. Ottawa Journal 23 June 1900 A BIG PICNIC Twenty-six Filled Coaches go to C.A.R. Picnic at Renfrew Twenty-six Canada Atlantic coaches filled with excursionists left the city to-day for Renfrew where the Canada Atlantic employees are holding their annual picnic. Fully three thousand people were on board. All the railway shops in Ottawa East are practically shut down to-day and every employee who could get away is enjoying himself at Renfrew. Ottawa Citizen 25 June 1900 C.A.R. PICNIC Thousands Had an Enjoyable Time at Renfrew. A LENGTHY PRIZE LIST Citizens of Renfrew Outdid Themselves in Kind Attentions. Eminently successful in every particular was the excursion of the Canada Atlantic Railway employes to Renfrew on Saturday. Every condition was propitious. The weather could not have been more pleasant. The train service was perfect. The hospitality of the citizens of Renfrew could not have been surpassed. Aberdeen park, where the picnic was held, was voted to be admirably adapted for such an affair. In the program of sports, the contests were keen and interesting. The first train for Renfrew left Ottawa at 7.30. a.m. On board were at least 1,500 people. Other trains left at 8.15 a.m., 9 a.m. and 12.50 p.m. In all probability 4,000 people were conveyed to Renfrew from Ottawa. Including Renfrewites and residents of the district, there must have been at least 6,000 people at Aberdeen park in the afternoon. Renfrew was in gala attire to welcome its visitors. The buildings on either side of the main street were beautifully decorated with flags and bunting and many of the private residences of the town were similarly adorned. The Ottawans, who arrived in Renfrew were met by Mayor Moss, ex- Mayor Mackay, Mr. W. Airthe and Mr. McAndrew. The mayor delivered an appropriate address of welcome and extended the freedom of the town to the visitors. Nothing could have exceeded the generosity and hospitality of the citizens of Renfrew. WHAT RENFREW DID. When the proposition to hold the C.A.R. picnic at Renfrew was first suggested, Mayor Moss called a meeting of the council and it was decided that the town should entertain its guests in a royal fashion. And it did so. The majority of the prizes were given by the citizens of Renfrew and these also furnished free transportation to and from the grounds to the station. All the hotels gave special rates for the day. Hot and cold water was also supplied to the picnicers at the grounds in unlimited quantities. Mr. McAndrew was especially kind. He placed his handsome yacht at the disposal of the excursionists and consequently many were afforded the pleasure of a trip on the pretty Bonnechere. The magnificent park in which the outing was held is the property of Mr. McAndrew, and he willingly allowed it to be used free. Throughout the day, Mr. McAndrew visited the grounds frequently and took every trouble to ensure that his thousands of guests should want for nothing that was in his power to give. The C.A.R employes at their next meeting will pass resolutions expressing their gratitude to the citizens of Renfrew for the reception tendered them. During the day, the various points of interest in the town were viewed by many of the pleasure seekers. The unique wire bridge was one of the great attractions. The public buildings were open to the Ottawans. AT THE GROUNDS. At the grounds the scene in the afternoon was one not readily to be forgotten. If one did not care to watch the various sports, he or she might participate in the seductive waltz, as a large dancing pavilion had been erected for the occasion. The Guards' orchestra, under Mr. A. Jones, rendered the music. Mr. Wm. Cochran was a capable floor manager. Near the river, some distance away from the pavilion, the Guards' band, and Mr. George Ambridge, discoursed sweet strains that proved to be an irresistible attraction to many. In the river the lads distorted themselves by the hundred and their antics were the source of unlimited mirth to the spectators. To those who preferred quietude, there was ample scope to enjoy themselves. The park was very large in extent and it contained countless species of wildflowers. These were eagerly sought after. Cool and shady nooks abounded and they were patronized extensively by those desirous of a restful hour. Swings and other means of enjoyment were there in abundance. THE PRIZE WINNERS (details omitted here) THE BASEBALL MATCH (details omitted here.) THE TRIP HOME The time for departure came all too quickly, and all were sorry when the trains began to leave for Ottawa. The first left at 4 p.m., but not many left Renfrew by that, however. The second departed for the capital about 7 p.m. and it took away 1,000 excursionists. The last pulled out at ten o'clock and it was so crowded that the platform between the cars had to be utilized. The inconvenience was born with equanimity, as the contingency was one that it would have been difficult to foresee. The train reached Ottawa about 12 o'clock To the officials of the C.A.R. the employes are very grateful, as they provided, at a considerable expense, an unsurpassed train accommodation. The officials engaged extra cars from the G.T.R. From the first they exhibited great interest in the excursion, and spared no pains to make it a success. Those who made special efforts to make the necessary arrangements were Messrs. E. J. Chamberlain, M. Donaldson, Walsh, Meehan, Lamplough and Richardson. THE COMMITTEES (details omitted here). Ottawa Journal 25 June 1900 RENFREW EN FETE CANADA ATLANTIC EMPLOYES' PICNIC The Creamery Town had about Six Thousand Visitors on Saturday. A Good Programme of Sports. The Canada Atlantic picnickers have no reason to regret going west on Saturday. For years the employees have held their annual outing to Clark's Island, in the St. Lawrence, but on Saturday about four thousand journeyed up to Renfrew and had one of the most enjoyable outings since the employees began to hold picnics. The weather was perfect. June is about the best season to visit Renfrew, and Mr. McAndrew's picnic grounds were in perfect condition. Everything combined to make the day all that was pleasant and every arrangement was carried through without any trouble. The town waa gaily decorated in honor of the visitors. The Guards' band and orchestra accompanied the excursionists and gave a concert and also furnished music for dancing. Mr. W. Cochrane was floor manager during the dancing. Mayor Moss and other leading citizens of the Creamery Town, welcomed the visitors and did all that could be expected to make the day enjoyable. The hotels gave special rates, and the use of the picnic grounds was given free. The Sports (details omitted) |