![]() Ottawa Journal 19 October 1900 KILLED BY A TRAIN J. Killeen Met Death on the Concession Street Crossing Yesterday A fatal accident occurred at the Canada Atlantic Railway crossing. Concession street, early yesterday morning. While Mr. James Killeen of Eganville, a cousin of Constable Killen, was crossing the Canada Atlantic at the said crossing, he was struck by a train and terribly mangled. His scalp was almost torn from his head, he sustained a fracture to the back of the skull, his ribs on both sides were crushed in, both leg were broken, and one foot crushed, while the left arm hung by a mere thread. . The body was conveyed to Gauthier's morgue, where a jury was empannelled and the medical evidence taken, with the result that the above injuries were discovered. The inquest then adjourned to meet to-morrow afternoon. Deceased was employed by the Dominion Bridge Company, on the Interprovincial bridge. How or at what time the accident happened is not known. The victim has one brother living in the city. Ottawa Citizen 19 October 1900 THE INQUEST Dr. Freeland, the coroner, after consulting with Mr. Richie, crown attorney, yesterday decided that an inquest should be held on the body of J. Killeen, of Brudenell, who was killed at the C.A.R. crossing on Concession street yesterday morning. The jury viewed the body and at 2 o'clock in the afternoon examined witnesses. The examination of the body showed both legs to have been broken, the left arm to have been cut off at the shoulder and the scalp to have been torn from the back of the head, the skull being fractured. One foot and the ribs on both sides of the chest were crushed. P. C. Killeen identified the body as that of his cousin, a young man of 28 years, from Eganville, in the employ of the Dominion Bridge Co., on the Interprovincial bridge. The train hands will be examined this afternoon. Ottawa Journal 20 October 1900 ACCIDENTAL DEATH. Verdict of the Jury in the Killeen Inquest "Accidental death" was the verdict the jury in the case of James Killeen, killed near Concession street railway crossing, on Thursday morning. The body was found about 100 yards east of the crossing, and the evidence showed that Killeen as walking westerly. The bell was ringing all the way along from Bank street to past the crossing. and how deceased did not see the engine, which had both lights lit is a mystery. Following are the jury: Chas.Mc Morrow, foreman; J. Dawson, J. Kelly, J. B. Boes, M. Whelan, J. Bellemare, M. O'Brien, L. Liston, T.D. Taylor, W. Rice, L. Sommers, W. Butler, M. Davy, F. Meacock and J. Smith. Ottawa Citizen 20 October 1900 ACCIDENTAL DEATH. The Jury in the Case of Killeen Decides Upon a Verdict. A verdict of accidental death was returned yesterday afternoon by the coroner's jury empannelled to enquite into the circumstances surrounding the tragic death of James Killeen, who was run down and killed in the C.A.R. yards, east of Concession street on Wednesday evening. The evidence of Patrick Hall, conductor. Jas. Riopeile, brakeman, Waiter Venalstine. brakeman, John Mott, fireman, Martin Kaisley, engineer, and S. D. Foster, night yard foreman, was taken. It went to show that Killeen must have been run over between 7 o'clock and 11o'clock in the evening, as his body was found about the latter hour, and the engine which struck him moved out along the tracks first at the former hour. The evidence went to show that the engine while shunting was provided with two strong lights, the ordinary head light and one on the tender. The engine was running about five miles an hour and the bell was kept constantly ringing. Besides this an automatic stationary bell was sounded every time the engine crossed Concession street. From the position of the body which was found about 100 yards east of Concession street, with the head facing westward, and from the marks cn the ground it would appear that the unfortunate man was struck by the tender and carried some distance in a westerly direclion. His hat was found on the tender which fact also bore out the above supposition. Mr. Morley Donaldson, general superintendent of the C.A.R. and Mr. G.A. Mountain, chief engineer were present at the inquiry. Mr. Wm. Mott was also present in the interests of the trainmen. Considerable mystery surrounds Killeen's movements prior to his death. He was last seen at 7 o'clock near Booth's mill. At the time of his death he was evidently walking into the city along the tracks, When found he had $15 on his person. The remains were moved on the afternoon train to his late home in Eganville for burial. Several sorrowing relatives made the sad mission to the bereaved. Decessed was a single man. Almonte Gazette 26 October 1900 Mr. J.Killeen, of Eganville, was killed in Ottawa last Thursday morning. While crossing the track at the C.A.R. an engine struck him and the body was terribly mangled. |