Details of Railway Accidents in the Ottawa Area

1894, 5 January - Crossing Collision Alexandria, Canada Atlantic Railway

Almonte Gazette 12 January 1894

The Canada Atlantic Express while entering the station at Alexandria on Friday last struck the sleigh of Mr. Donald Cameron, of Lochiel Mr. Cameron, his daughter Winfred, and Miss Young of Montreal, were in the sleigh at the time. Knowing he could not turn his horses, Mr. Cameron attempted to cross but the engine struck the sleigh leaving the horses unscratched on the south side and hurling the sleigh and occupants to the north. The ladies escaped with slight bruises but Mr. Cameron received several severe scalp wounds, and the right thigh bone was broken.

Eastern Ontario Review 19 January 1894

The Dreadful Grade Crossing.
Several level crossing disasters are reported, one occurred at Alexandria, on the 5th, when the Ottawa eastbound morning express, while entering the station, struck the sleigh of Mr. Donald Cameron, of Lochiel. The accident occurred at the railway crossing, a little west of the station. Mr Cameron, his daughter Winfred, and a Miss Young, of Montreal, where in the sleigh at the time, and were on their way in to the village with grist for the Alexandria roller mills. Seemingly, they did not hear the whistle, and were opposite the Alexandria Manufacturing Company factory, situated on the north side of the track, when they first perceived the approaching train. Knowing he could not turn his horses and believing he had time to cross, Mr Cameron made the attempt, but had hardly reached the track when the engine struck them, leaving the horses unscratched on the south side, and hurting the sleigh and its occupants to the north side. The two ladies escaped with slight bruises, but Mr Cameron received several scalp wounds and the right thigh bone was broken. Surgical aide was called in, and Mr Cameron is reported as doing well.

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Updated 8 June 2023