![]() . A CRASH ON THE ELECTRIC TRACK A MOTOR RUNS INTO A LOCOMOTIVE The head of the car knocked off and the motorman upset - only one passenger on board. Electric car No. 11 and an engine of the St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway came into contact this morning with considerable force at the diamond on the railway crossing to the east of St. Patrick Street bridge. The accident occurred at 8:40 with the result that the front was knocked out of the electric car and the motorman injured but not seriously. HOW IT OCCURRED The circumstances of the accident were like this : just as the electric car was descending from the bridge to the railway crossing the motorman, Brunette by name, noticed a team of horses attached to a rig behaving in a way that showed they wanted to run away. In order to be prepared for such an emergency he put on the brake, still going forward, but watching the horses. It happened that just at that moment an engine of the St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway was passing up from the coal oil shed. Bang into the locomotive. The electric car ran right into the locomotive with the result that the whole front of the car was knocked out. As the engine and car came together the motorman, Brunette fell sideways on the brake, injuring his side somewhat and scratching the back of his hand. The car went off the rails close to the stone wall and within a few feet of the river. The platform of the motor fell to the ground at the moment of the crash with the force of the contact, and the wondert is that Brunette did not fall forward under the wheels of the engine. The car was thrown off the track and it took fully hours to get her on the rails again, traveling jackscrews having to be used for that purpose. She was brought to the car shops for repairs and another car put on the road in her place. The damage will, it is estimated, amount to $100. The motorman, Brunette, is working away on the car substituted for the injured one and the traffic is not impeded by the accident. Only one passenger on board. There was only one passenger on the car at the time but he was uninjured. A good many people went to look at the scene of the accident this morning. A collection of splinters from the damaged car show the force with which she hit the engine. Ottawa Citizen 12 April 1892 Shortly before nine o'clock yesterday morning car No. 11 of the Electric Railway Company collided with a C.P.R. engine in the old St. Lawrence and Ottawa track on the other side of Patrick street bridge. Moterman [sic] Brunette had not time to stop his car before the collision as the engine made its appearance suddenly between Parson's & Smith's oil shed. The electric car struck one of the large wheels of the engine and was thrown off the track. Fortunately the only damage done was the tearing of the vestibule from the car. The moterman [sic] took refuge in the body of the car after succeeding in bringing it nearly to a standstill. He escaped with a few cuts that he sustained from broken glass. The damage will be repaired for about $100. RG12 vol 2512 file 3508-18 An electric car ran against the side of a passing locomotive on the CPR. This was the result of crass carelessness on the part of the motorman who was watching a team of runaway horses instead of looking out for engines on the CPR and the motorman was disciplined in consequence. The report contains a good sketch map of the location. |