![]() Kemptville Advance 16 October 1891 Railway Collision near Kemptville On Wednesday morning about 8 o'clock two freight trains collided about one mile east of Kemptville Junction. Conductor Grant and engineer Neilson on locomotive No. 346 with a freight train of about 25 cars were just making Buchanan's curve going esst when they saw an approaching train coming in the opposite direction. The drivers of both trains whistled "on brakes," reversed their engines, and seeing a general smash-up inevitable, the hands jumped and most fortunately escaped uninjured. The train going west consisting of about 18 freight cars was in charge of conductor Hunt and engineer Hyndman. Both engines were badly broken, one being derailed, the tenders demoralized, one freight car smashed, end heavy castings, etc., broken like pipe stems. The contents of one car containing dry goods, boots and shoes, cartridges and a miscellaneous assortment of merchandise was piled on either side of the road. The track was badly torn up. Word was quickly sent east and west and in a short time a large staff of workmen arrived by special engines from both directions and about noon the track was cleared again. The cause of the accident is said to rest upon night operator Jarvis, of Winchester Station, who gave conductor Grant orders to cross at Kemptville instead of Mountain Station. This particular locality is becoming notorious as it was at Buchanan's crossing that an old man was killed by an express train a few weeks ago. Ottawa Journal 16 October 1891 Kemptville Two freight trains on the main line of the C.P.R. collided near here this morning. No lives were lost but the engineer and foreman jumped and escaped with slight injuries. Cvonsiderable loss to rolling stock. Kemptville Advance 17 December 1891 Stolen Goods Found On Tuesday Thomas Ross a C.P.R. detective of Toronto accompanied by Constable Nettleton, arrested John Brown, a section boss living near the Junction, for having taken goods at the time of the accident on the 14th of October. Brown confessed the whole affair, gave up the goods which consisted of 6 pair of rubber shoes, two rubber coats, and a thermometer was then brought in town, tried before Magistrates Conley and Selleck and sent to Brockville. In answer to whether he knew of other parties taking goods at the same time he answered that he did and quite a number of them, so it is possible that others will be found in the same box. |