Canadian Pacific Smiths Falls Station Burned 6 January 1930. ![]() C.P.R. Depot at Smiths Falls is Badly Damaged Interior of Building is Wrecked by Fire Which Causes Loss Estimated at $9,000. SMITHS FALLS, Ont.. Jan. 6. Damage to the extent of about $9.000 was done to the Canadian Pacific Railway station here this afternoon; by fire which broke out at one o'clock. The blaze originated in the men's lavatory from a lighted match or cigaret thrown in the walls. The whole of the second floor was badly damaged, while the ground floor suffered through the tons cf water thrown in by the fire brigade which, after a battle lasting an hour and a half got the fire under control. The building was of brick construction. with asbestos roof, and the walls are still standing intact. The roof was destroyed. The office of the superintendent and divisional staff which is adjacent escaped undamaged. When the blaze was first noticed it had gained such headway that the firemen were unable at once to bring it under control, as the clouds of smoke hampered their efforts. The upper storey of the building was used as living quarters for the reststaurant staff and store rooms. while on tne ground floor was the office. The firemen were forced to bring all their apparatus into play and several streams were turned on the blaze, the men also mounting the roof in an effort to check the advance of the flames. great crowd was attracted to the scene, and it was necessary for the police to rope off a part of the street to prevent accidents. At the superintended's offce this afternoon it was stated there would be no interference with train schedules as a result of the fire, and that even while the fire was raging trains managed to adhere to their running orders while passing Smiths Falls. While the damage is estimated at $9,000. replacement of the damaged part of the station will probably cost a great deal more, as a more modern and fireproof interior will likely be built. Ottawa Journal 6 January 1930 C.P. Smiths Falls Station On Fire Blaze Makes Great Headway and Firemen Unable To Control It. SMITHS FALLS, Jan. 6. - Breaking out between the floors in the Canadian Paciflc Railway station here at one o'clock this morning, fire of unknown origin was still raging at 1.45 o'clock and it seemed likely that the entire station would be completely destroyed. It is thought that the blaze originated in the restaurant section of the building and between the first and second floors. When the blaze was first noticed it had gained such headway that firemen were unable to contain it, and the interior of the building was soon a raging inferno. Huge clouds of smoke and flames poured from the upper windows and through holes in the roof, while a pall of grey smoke hung over the entire yard and the district about the station. The upper storey of the building was used as living quarters for the restaurant staff and practically everything in the upper rooms was destroyed. Firemen were laboring to check the flames at 1.30 o'clock, but with little success and it seemed that the building was doomed. Several streams were played upon the conflagration and firemen clambered over the roof in gallant efforts to gain control. A great crowd was attracted to the scene of the fire and it was necessary to rope off a part of the street to prevent accidents. Trains were running on schedule, but those entering and leaving groped their way through a dense pall of smoke which hung over the station and the railway yards, Damage, it is estimated, will be very heavy. Winchester Press - 9 January 1930 The C.P.R. station at Smiths Falls was almost completely destroyed by fire on Monday afternoon. The fire started in the restaurant part of the station and had made considerable headway when discovered, A complete new statin house will have to be rebuilt. Winchester Press 23 Jabuary 1930 The Canadian Pacific Railway station at Smiths Falls is almost ready for business. Emerging from the debris resulting from the serious fire which ravaged the building recently, is the entire downstairs part of the station building which has been redecotated and repainted. The restaurant, main waiting room and ladies waiting room were receiving the finishing touches and it is likely that the station will be operating as of yore within a few days time. Railway and Marine World February 1930 A fire on Jan. 6, supposed to have originated from a carelessly thrown cigarette, resulted in the ground floor of the station at Smiths Falls being burnt out, and considerable damage being done to the upper floor. The fire brigade prevented the fire spreading to the division offices close by. Temporary provision for carrying on business has been made and the station will be rebuilt. |