Canadian Pacific Smiths Falls Roundhouse Burned 24 August 1893. ![]() CPR Roundhouse Burned Smiths Falls 24 August. About three o'clock this morning a disastrous fire broke out in the C.P.R. roundhouse here. From the first it looked serious and almost before the citizens or firemen could reach the spot it seemed impossible to check it. It raged fiercely for two or three hours but by an almost heroic effort one division of the building was saved. There were six engines, including a mogul, in the burned portion and four of these were almost a total wreck, while the other two are pretty badly disabled. The origin of the fire is a complete mystery but an investigation is being held today. The loss on the engines, building and tools is estimated at about $50,000. Ottawa Citizen 29 Auguat 1893 The loss caused by the fire at the C.P.R. roundhouse at Smith;s Falls was $60,000. Six of the company's best engines, including three moguls, were destroyed as well as half the roundhouse. Almonte Gazette 1 September 1893 On Thursday last the C.P.R. roundhouse at Smith's Falls was gutted by fire.Four locomotives were rendered useless and two others were badly damaged. Loss about $60,000. Almonte Gazette 15 September 1893 It is said that the loss by fire in the roundhouse at Smith's Falls is not so great as was at first thought. The loss, it is thought, will not exceed $40,000. |