Great Fire of Ottawa-Hull 26 April 1900 destroyed
the CPR station, freight shed and facilities. Recovery and Preparations for New Station
![]() C.P.R. Broad Street Station after the fire LAC PA135438 Ottawa Journal 27 April 1900 Ottawa Journal 26 April 1900 Account of the great fire - an electric car which had been stopped opposite Booth's will probably be destroyed. - - - The CPR station on the Chaudiere and all the freight houses were destroyed. Both railway companies on the Chaudiere had engines at work at removing the cars. Ottawa Citizen 27 April 1900 A Citizen reporter came close to being scorched when giving his office details of the fire from the C.P.R. station. When he left the building it was enveloped in flames, while on nearly every side fire was raging and an escape was effected just in time. The C.P.R. train service was uninterrupted today. A small office in connection with the roundhouse on the Richmond road was improvised as a station. The trains both going from and coming into the city were crowded. The roundhouse was not injured as was at first reported. Mr. F. Lapointe, landing waiter at the C.P.R. freight sheds, had a narrow escape from meeting death in the flames. Business men were busy removing merchandise in bond and the officer was delayedin the building, he being the last to leave. His hair and face were severely burned in making the exit. The goods lost in the fire, which were in bond, were valued at $100,000. - - - Sergt. Robillard, of the police force, discovered a dead man just outside of the C.P.R. freight sheds. The corpse showed more evidence of the man having been suffocated rather than having been burned to death. He took charge of the articles found on the body, but there was nothing that would give any clue to his identity. The sergeant gave orders that the coroner should be notified and also telephoned Harris and Brady. Up to a late hour last night, however, the corpse lay there, stark and stiff. It seemed apparent that the deceased had been in the freight sheds when they caught fire, and had been overcome just as he reached the door. - - - The C.A.R. bridge through the lumber yards at the end of Division street was not destroyed, and at about 10 o'clock an engine with several cars attached, passed over it. Passing between two walls of smoke and flame, the cars and engine formed a peculiar silhouette against the red sky. - - - FOR RELIEF FUND a great many friends OF the sufferers from yesterday's fire have requested the Canada Atlantic Railway company to give them an opportunity to come to the city and render what assistance they possibly can, and that company has very kindly agreed to run special trains from all stations, Valleyfield, Hawkesbury and intermediate points, to Ottawa, also from Pembroke and stations east, at a very low rate of fare. Twenty-five per cent of the revenue from these trains will be turned over to the relief fund. - - - A detatchment of the Montreal fire brigade arrived at 6.50 over the C.A.R. It consisted of an engine, a reel, 8 men in charge of a chief and 5 horses. The trip from Coteau was made by engine 622 in 1 hour, 55 minutes. Another engine arrived from Montreal at 7.05 p.m. - - - HAVE GONE HOME The Montreal fireman left the city this morning. The Montreal Detachment returned to that city at four o'clock this morning. The Brockville and Peterborough brigades also returned this forenoon after paying their respects to Chief Provost. One of the Montreal men stated that when the train was at Coteau the clouds of smoke could easily be seen. - - - The trains on the Parry Sound were cut off yesterday afternoon, a man being sent out to flag the mixed train, which is due about 5 o'clock. The lumber piles were then on fire on both sides of the tracks. - - - The old power house of the Ottawa Electric Company, the old arc light generator, and one of the lightning power houses were destroyed. The power was supplied last night from the standard power house and the auxilliary steam plant. The street railway service today will be operated from the brick power house near Pooley's bridge. Yesterday the street railway service was stopped from 2.15 till 8.40 p.m. Ottawa Journal 27 April 1900 The Gatineau Valley train did not go up last night. Ottawa and Gatineau Railway regular passenger train will leave site of old CPR union station on time 5.20 this afternoon. No freight accepted. (on account of the Ottawa-Hull fire). - - - The electric railway power house destroyed and the street car service crippled for a while. - - - No sooner had the lumber piles taken at the Chaudiere bridge on the Ottawa side than the piles west of the C.P.R. union station caught from flying cinders. - - - A great many C.P.R. cars, together with the station, freight sheds, roundhouse and other structures were burned. - - - During the afternoon Brockville was asked to send any assistance that could be spared from that town. An engine and a reel of hose was sent out and was accompanied by a party of ten. The special left Brockville at 6 o'clock, but did not reach ottawa until nearly 10. When Smith's Falls was reached it was learned that the engine could not be landed in the city over the Canadian Pacific railway, and the train was run down to St. Polycarpe Junction and in over Canada Atlantic tracks to Central depot. The fire was well under control so that the steamer was not unloaded, but the Brockville firemen gave every assistance they could otherwise. They say that running down from Smith's Falls that the reflection of the fire was quite visible and that before they left Brockville at 5 o'clock that volumes of smoke were pouring over the town. Almonte Gazette 27 April 1900 Just before going to press the GAZETTE learns by telegram that a fire broke out in Hull this (Thursday) morning, and spread so rapidly owing to the very high wind that the greater part of the city has been destroyed, the appliances for fighting the flames being practically useless. The fire spread across the river to the Chaudiere lumber piles, which with the sawmills are burned; and at latest reports the flames had reached the C.P.R. station in Ottawa, which is likely to be destroyed, with other buildings in that neighborhood. Ottawa has applied to Montreal for assistance. The greatest excitement prevails- a veritable panic. Three o'clock p.m..- the C.P.R. station is destroyed, and the fire is making a clean sweep of that whole section of Ottawa. The waterworks building is threatened. The train from Montreal for Winnipeg cannot get past Hull, and the Winnipeg train for Montreal is held at Britannia. The dense smoke from the fire is plainly seen from the Almonte station. Ottawa Free Press 28 April 1900 C.P.R. estimate of losses due to fire is $300,000. This includes station, structures, track, freight sheds and freight for which it is responsible. Ottawa Citizen 28 April 1900 No direct reference to railways Page 5 column 3 REAL DANGER Senator Thinks It Is In The Lumber Piles CLEMOW ON THE FIRE He Points Out That Such a Disaster Was Feared Years Ago Page 4 column 3 The Situation Estimates of Damage etc - - - ELECTRIC RAILWAY NOTICE The green line cars now run through the burned district to the slide bridge. Hull can be reached by means of temporary bridge now constructed. Ottawa Journal 28 April 1900 No direct reference to railway Page 4 column 4 LUMBER PILES A MENACE SENATORS THINK THEY SHOULD BE REMOVED The Danger of Having Them Piled in the City Limits Pointed Out by the Senate. Ottawa Citizen 30 April 1900 SUNDAY ON STREETS Some Idea of the Scenes Witnessed by Thousands of People. The scene on the streets yesterday was like that during one of the busiest periods of fair week. Hundreds of excursionists from all over the country thronged to Ottawa to look over the ruin wrought by Thursday's disastrous conflagration. The uptown hotels were crowded, and an unsophisticated observer might imagine the city must be the scene of some fete of unusual note. The cars on the lines leading to the burnt district were crowded far beyond their ordinary capacity, and the company did a rushing business. The liveries and hackmen were also on the hustle, and fully 40,000 people must have visited the destroyed area during the day. The quarter which probably attracted the most attention was that at the Chaudiere bridges, where the great destruction to industrial concerns was most apparent. The bridges themselves, twisted and warped out of all resemblance of the condition in which they were supposed to do duty, formed an awe-inspiring spectacle, and were the object of much camera attention. Another spot much patronized was the site of the C.P.R. station and freight sheds, where workman were busy all day clearing away debris and putting down a new platform. Mr. Burgess, the railway restaurant man, has a tent erected on the site of the burnt depot, and a regular business is going on. The C.P.R. has a passenger coach fitted up as a temporary office for the train despatchers. - - - The police were preventing people from crossing the Chaudiere bridges yesterday, as it was feared some accident might occur, passage having to be made on nothing more substantial in some places than a street car rail. The C.P.R. has several big derricks at work lifting up the debris from the yard and placing it on flat cars, so that the ruins around there will all soon be cleared up. MANY EXCURSIONISTS Visited City Yesterday on C.A.R. and C.P.R. to Take in the Fire Scenes. Ottawa was the Mecca to which thousands of people came yesterday to view the awful area over which the devastating element swept on Thursday, taking in its path such destruction and causing such misery. Special trains on the Canada Atlantic system brought l,000 people from Valleyfield, 300 from Hawkesbury, 500 from Rockland. and nearly 1,200 from Pembroke and intermediate stations. The C.P.R. landed about 600 people in the city yesterday from outside places at the site of the burned station. They came in on the regular trains about 9.30 a.m., and were from Pembroke, Smith's Falls, Perth and Brockville. The scene at the old C.P.R. site was quite lively all day long. Ottawa Free Press 1 May1900 The Ottawa Electric street railway set a large number of men to work this morning restoring their track, poles and wires from Mackay's mill to the terminus of the line in Hull. A car will be taken across the river today on a boat and ?? other side of the burnt bridges to the Hull terminus. Passengers using the green line will be given transfers. On arrival at the ? bridge they will then only have to go about 100 yards to the bridge at the bulk head which is 34 feet wide (this part is mixed up) They can then take the car on the other side of the bridge, the transfer being good to ride into Hull. More details about temporary arrangements as a result of the fire. Ottawa Journal 1 May 1900 $700 ALREADY, $1,000 EXPECTED The Canada Atlantic Railway has handed to the relief committee $700 as part of the proceeds of the excursions into the city on Sunday. It is expected that when all returns are in the company will be able to hand over $1,000 to the fund. Then hundreds of excursionists who came into the city on the Canada Atlantic trains on Sunday greatly appreciated the opportunity afforded them of seeing the ruins of the fire swept district, and at the same time most of their money goes to the relief of the sufferers. Ottawa Citizen 1 May 1900 The Canadian Pacific railway, out of respect to feelings of fire sufferers, came to the conclusion it would not be advisable to run excursions of sightseers to the Capital, and this explains the reason no excursions came in over their line Sunday. - - - The temporary bridge at the Chaudiere has not been completed as yet and passengers are forced to walk around by the booms. It is expected the track will be repaired sufficiently today to permit the Aylmer cars to run into Hull. Ottawa Citizen 2 May 1900 MEN GIVEN WORK Renaud & Co., of Murray street, yesterday sent up 100 men, principaly sufferers from the fire, to Canoe Lake, to work in the lumber camps of Messrs. Gilmour & Co. About 250 more are required and good wages will be paid as well as railway fare. Ottawa Citizen 3 May 1900 C. P. R. IMPROVEMENTS Mr. Tait Outlines What the Company Proposes Doing at the Chaudiere. Mr. Thomas Tait, general manager of the Ca nadian Pacific railway system east of Fort William, and Mr. C. W. Spencer, superintendent of the Eastern division, were in rhe city yesterday looking after the company's interests in connection with the replacing of the Union depot and freight sheds. Speaking to a representative of the Citizen, Mr. Tait said the company has under consideration the erection ot a new station, and big freight sheds, commensurate with the growing importance of Ottawa as a commercial center. "You may state as an official announcement from the company," said Mr. Tait, "that the location, facilities, and size of the proposed buildings will depend altogether on the assurance given the company by the city that it will be reasonably protected from fires. The company does not propose erecting costly buildings if they are to be surrounded by lumber piles and wooden shanties. If reasonable protection is guaranteed, the company is prepared to go ahead immediately with the erection ot a station which will be a credit to the city and quite in keeping with the policy of the C.P.R. in building magniticent stations at all important centers. Arrangements have been made so that the station can be located quite convenient to the heart of the city. The freight sheds will be three or four times the size of those destroyed and will be constructed with a view to the ornate in archtectural design." Mr. Tait said that prompt action would be required, as the company could not long continue unloading passengers with a tent as station accommodation, and if the city meets the company's views on the question of fire protection, a large number of men will be put to work immediately thus helping on the work of relief to the sufferers. AN EXPERT OPINION Apropos of Mr. Tait's request for protection from fire feeders in the shape of lumber piles and wooden houses, the Citizen reporter interviewed one of the best authorities in the city on shipping, and especially in connection with the lumber business. The gentleman, who is largely interested in the industrial developmerit of the city, said that now is the time to take action to have the piling grounds removed outside the limits. Ottawa is growing, he said, and needs the valuable land now used for piling grounds for building lots. It should be surveyed into lots, streets opened up. and it will not long be vacant. The city is bound to grow, and it is now a question whether the municipality wants these lands to be occupied by people or to continue the piling grounds, and allow the city to grow out beyond them, and thus keep piles of lumber in the heart of the city, dividing one section from the other. As to the inconvenience to shipping, said the gentleman, there is very little in the objection made in that respect. Nearly ninety per cent. of the lumber is now taken to the piling grounds by horse or tram, so that the matter ot a mile or two further haulage would not hamper the trade in the slightest decree. No one would object to a limited amount being piled near rhe mills, but the millions of feet which had encircled the city in the past were a standing menace to the safety of the whole city, and one of the biggest drawbacks to the establishment of manufacturing industries. Capitalists are not going to build, and live in constant dread of being wiped out. when they can go elsewhere and be given reasonable protection. The gentleman, who does not wish to have his name published, said that in his experience as a shipper, covering many years, he never found the railways backward in helping trade and felt sure that spur lines would be built to piling grounds located a mile or so outside the city. That the bulk of the lumber is moved by train is easily proven by a trip to the piling grounds now in use, and to lengthen the run would do the lumber trade no harm, and would greatly benefit the city. The wiping out of so large a section of the city should cause a unanimous demand from the people that the council take immediate action in the matter, and this should be backed up by drastic measures on the part of the Dominion government, which is in duty bound to the country at large to protect the Dominion property. Almonte Gazette 4 May 1900 The C.P.R. Co. gave a cheap rate to Ottawa at the end of last week. 175 Almonters took advantage of it and went down to see the ruins. Page 7 exerpts. Montreal, Peterborough and Brockville were appealed to for help to fight the fire, and each sent a steamer and some men by special train. About 1.30 p.m. the fire destroyed the bridge between Hull and Ottawa, and swept over into the Chaudiere district. Fortunately the wind about this time shifted from west to east, else a large part if not the whole of upper town would have been swept out of existence. All the Chaudiere district, including the sawmills, flour mills, electric railway and other powerhouses, the C.P.R. station and freight sheds, were destroyed, with about 200 freight cars, many of them filled with goods. - - - Mr. C. W. Spencer, general manager of C.P.R. lines east of Fort William estimates the damages to the company's property on a conservative estimate at $250,000, covered by insurance. The losses in the C.P.R. yards include a car of machinery from the Massey-Harris company, 24 cars of merchandise, two cars of telegraph poles for the O.E. Railway, one car of machinery for George Mason, lumberman; one of switches for the O.E. Railway, 60 barrels of oil belonging to the C.P.R. The books from the freight sheds were saved, but with a few exceptions. Nearly all the merchandise in the freight sheds was destroyed. - - - Page 8 exerpts Dr. Steele and Mr. A.C. Wylie, of this town, who went to Ottawa Thursday evening, found the charred body of a man in the C.P.R. yard. - - - Almonte was greatly excited over the fire last Thursday evening,when the reflections from the flames could be seen distinctly, and there was no means of getting news, the telephoning and telegraphing systems being knocked out for a time at Ottawa. Ottawa Citizen 4 and 5 May 1900 FIRE Pontiac Pacific Junction Railway and Ottawa & Gatineau Railway special train will run on both above lines to scene of great fire on Sunday May 6. A large percentage of receipts from excursions will be turned over to relief committee to help fire sufferers. Ottawa Citizen 5 May 1900 The Canada Atlantic damage consists principally in misplaced tracks and the upset condition of its yards at the Chaudiere. The flatcars and lumber loaded on them were removed from the yard as soon as the fire commenced to spread. - - - (C.P.R.) .. The trains are now running to the old site of the depot as usual. - - - The Ottawa and Gatineau Railway lost twelve flat cars. Its passenger coaches in the yard at the Union depot were removed in time to prevent their destruction. Ottawa Citizen 5 May 1900 FIRE AREAS Prove a Hard Subject for Civic Committee NO DECISION COME TO The Matter Will be Further Dealt With in Council on Monday Readjusting fire areas and adopting regulations, the stringency of which may restrict or drive out altogether Ottawa's immense lumber industry, is too delicate a matter for the fire and light committee to deal with precipitaittiy; so that body, after considerable discussion last night, decided to defer any action in the matter until a later date. Some of the aldermen favored sending the report of the sub-committee to council on Monday night, while others were anxious to secure the opinion of the board of trade. In consequence the whole question, after a week's consideration stands as it was, and leaves the civic savants to deal with it as they see fit. At the meeting last night Chairman White presented the report of the subcommittee, recommending. "That the extension of the area B be bounded on the north by the Ottawa river, westerly from Kent street to C.P. railway bridge over the Ottawa river, thence southerly along the Canadian Pacific railway tracks to a point 100 feet south of Somerset street, thence southerly to Concession street, thence southerly to a point 100 feet south of Ann street, thence easterly to Bank street." The sub-committee also recommended that not more than half a million feet of lumber should be allowed in any one yard. Ald. Morris contended that the report was irregular. It appeared, he said, that the course suggestcd was a somewhat zigzag one, and calculated to benefit certain properties. The area should be struck on straight lines. Building Inspector Pratt said the whole area proposed was at right angles. The boundaries under the clause referred to were much more regular than in the present area. He produced the plan of the city, in which the proposed extension was shown, as calculated to be square in form. More general remarks followed page 5 column 3 Ottawa Citizen 7 May 1900 About four hundred passengers arrived here on the excursion train from Waltham on their way to Hull to visit the scene of the fire. It is the intention of the P. & P. J. railway company to hand over a large percentage of the receipts for relief work. - - - VISITORS TO FIRE AREA. The scene of the recent fire afforded at [sic] attraction again yesterday for many hundred excursionists to the city. Special trains were run on the Canada Atlantic railway from Swanton and intermediate points, Hawkesbury and Rockland, and brought about one thousand people. A special on the Ottawa and Gatineau road was patronized by about three hundred excursionists. The visitors went all over the burnt district of Hull and Ottawa and the electric railway system had a very large traffic. Ottawa Journal 7 May 1900 RUINS VIEWED BY HUNDREDS Fewer Visitors at Lansdowne Park Ottawa's fire ruins are becoming quite an attraction for excursionists from outside points. There were two large excursions to the city yesterday. One came over the Canada Atlantic railway from St. Hyacinthe and intermediate points, and brought in between 260 and 300 passengers. The other came over the Ottawa and Gatineau Road and also brought in over two hundred. The strangers left early in the evening for home. Hundreds of people inspected the fire ruins yesterday afternoon. The temporary bridge over the slide at the Chaudiere, just completed, enabled the crowds to get across to Hull handily and in consequence most of the sightseers went to the sister city. A fierce gale blew, similar to the one that prevailed the day of the big fire. There were clouds of blinding dust and the weather was disagreeably cold, but that did not deter the sightseers. - - - (Some parts illegible) THE LUMBER PILES A MENACE TO CITY Electric Railway won't Lease its Vacant Land on Victoria Island for Piling Purposes. Mr. Soper of Ahern & Soper, seen by a Journal reporter today, regarding the danger of lumber piling in the city said: "We endorse The Journal's attitude on the lumber piles. The menace to the city is unquestionable. The reality of the danger is not new. The conflagration has simply brought the matter home, and has ? the property of those who have watched the belt of lumber gradually encircling the city from year to year. The loss of life and property in Ottawa was directly and only due to the lumber piled at the Chaudiere. This fact is known to the thousands who stood on Parliament Hill and watched the beginning of the fire on the Ottawa side of the river. "As we understand the subject there is no attack being made upon any particular individual, but upon a practice that if continued means the destruction of Ottawa as surely as Chaudiere and Rochesterville were destroyed. If the maintenance of such a practice is worth the price we have just paid for it, then we should continue the practice. The proposition seems a simple business one. We may say that that ?? does the Electric Railway Company consider the land for piles that it has just declined to lease for lumber piling purposes ? acres of vacant land formerly used for piling lumber, owned by the company on Victoria Island. We are satisfied that if lumber piles were placed upon the land they would prove a menace to upper town, and in case of high wind to the whole city." Ottawa Free Press 7 May 1900 The Canada Atlantic Railway company have almost completed rebuilding the trestle work in the rear of the old Martin, Warnock and Company's mills, which was destroyed in the fire. As soon as the rails have been laid over this trestle the Canada Atlantic will be able to run their trains to the Chaudiere again. Ottawa Journal 8 May 1900 Ald. White Fathers a Stringent By-law WOULD BANISH LUMBER PILES FROM THE CITY And Require Fire Proof Roofs Within Areas A and B: Board of Trade will be Given a Chance to Discuss Contrary to expectations the city council did not spend very much time last night discussing the fire area and lumber piling question. The subject was not in shape which permits of discussion. Ald. White introduced a by-law dealing with the question, but he was content to let it stand with a first reading. Printed copies will be sent to the Board of Trade to-night, and the by-law will probably form the basis of discussion there. The by-law is a most stringent one - much more stringent than the one proposed by the sub-commlttee of the fire and light committee. After the apparent desire on the part of some of the aldermen at the fire and light committee meeting to shirk any responsibility on the matter, Ald. White concluded that a stringent by-law would be the proper means of dealing with the matter. Those who have objections will have to take the responsibility of attaching their names to amendments making it less stringent. The by-law was just given first reading. The council may be guided somewhat by the action of the Board of Trade, and a special meeting of the council will be called to discuss the question on the second reading of the by-law. Its Provisions. The by-law proposes to put the Chaudlere district as far west as the Canadian Pacific Railway bridge over the Ottawa in area B. The line will be followed south to a point 100 feet south of Somerset, east to Concession, south to Ann and east to Bank. This will make a very large addition to area B. The by-law also proposes to prevent the constructton of wooden roofs in areas A and B in future. Roofs must be of tin, iron, copper, zinc, gravel, or some incombustible material. No iron-clad building will be allowed in area B within sixty feet of the street line. At present they are allowed right up to the street. The proposed restriction in regard to pillng lumber is that not more than 500,000 feet be allowed in any one yard or to be piled by any one firm within the city limits. This would practically kill the piling by lumber firms and would simply be enough to allow factories to operate. The by-law would also prohibit the piling of more than fifty cords of wood in any wood-yard in the city. Ottawa Citizen 9 May 1900 THE BOARD OF TRADE AND LUMBER PILING Mr.J.R. Booth Makes Out a Strong Case From His Standpoint on the Question at iIsue and Has Many to Support Him Decision That Caution is Necessary and a Strong Committeer Appointed to Report Back to the Board. The far-reaching influence of the great conflagration of April 26th, the magnitude of the interests involved and the momentous issues arising therefrom were fully exploited at a meeting of the board of trade held last night. It was the largest meeting of the board held for years. The room was packed, the seating capacity being inadequate, many having to stand for hours.The lumber princes were out in force and put forth strong arguments in reply to the attacks on the lurmber piles. Mr. John R. Booth spoke for about three-quarters of an hour, and made out a strong case for the lumbermen. The meeting reached no definite conclusion as to the merits of any of the questions raised, deciding that calm, dispassionate investigation should be made into all the interests affected. A strong committee composed of representative citizens was appointed to investigate and report back at the earliest possible moment. Page 3 columns 3 and 4 Ottawa Journal 9 May 1900 LUMBER PILES - SHINGLED ROOFS The Dangerous Features of Both Board of Trade Discusses the Matter and Appoints a Committee to Investigate and Report as Early as Possible Page 2 columns 3 and 4 Exerpt: Needed Broad-Minded Treatment. The settlement of the question, Mr. McRae said, would involve inconvenience for some of the committee, but the business was important to the interests and credit of the city, and the board. He had been accused of acting for interested parties in the matter but speaking as one who had lost heavily in the fire, he felt he had a right to be heard. The board would have to deal with the question in a broad-minded manner. It was not sectional in its importance. A by-law prohibiting lumber piling in the city would affect not only the Chaudiere mills, but would apply also to Messrs. Thackray and Davidson, the W. C. Edwards Co., J. A. Desrivieres, and other establishments, such as Harris and Campbell's factory. The committee would deal with the question broadly, pointing out the place, where the city was menaced, and with the combined intelligence of the members of the committee, he felt sure their report would be satisfactory to the citizens and also to the interests involved. Ottawa Journal 9 May 1900 WAITING FOR THE CITY C.P.R. Will Have Their Plans for new Depot Ready in a Few Days Mr. C.W. Spencer, general superintendent of the Canadian Pacific Railway, was in the city yesterday in connection with the acquisition of some property by the company near its property on Broad street. Mr. Spencer says that the C.P.R. has purchased the Rochester property lying between the depot site and the Canada Atlantic track, and now own the entire block bounded by the Canada Atlantic track, Broad Street, Oregon street and the Ottawa river. Mr. Spencer says that the C.P.R. is only awaiting the action of the council in regard to the piling of lumber in the Chaudiere district before going ahead with the new buildings. If the city is prepared to make the proper regulations, and he believes that the piling of lumber is a menace, Ottawa will be given an exceptionally fine depot. Mr. Spencer says that their architect is at present working on the plans and they will be ready in a few days. Ottawa Journal 10 May 1900 Lumber Piling on a Large Scale A Yellow City of Lumber Being Reared Over the Piling District of the Burned Area. Booth's Mill is Running Full Blast. While the city council and the Board of Trade is actively engaged in settling the lumber piling question, the lumber interest is working out a solution for itself. A great yellow city of lumber piles is rearing itself with marvellous rapidity over large sections of the burned area of the city, both in the Chaudiere and the section lying along the Prescott line of the Canadian Pacific railway between the Richmond road, Somerset street and the southwestern limits of the city. There are a hundred big piles of new lumber spread over the burned area, and the number is being doubled as rapidly as a long procession of lumber rigs between Booth's mills and the piling grounds can operate. Booth's big mill was started operating on Monday, and last night a night gang was put on Mr. Booth has to have some place to pile the sawn timber, and is using his old piling ground, while the fears of the fire and light committee that lumber would be back in its old place before the question could be settled seem to becoming an actual fact. Lumber is being piled along the river front between Booth's mill and the Canadian Pacific railway track, a small quantity is being piled between Bridge and Sherwood streets, more is being piled on the old piling grounds along Richmond road, in a short space of time the lumber piling district will present its old time appearance. Almonte Gazette 11 May 1900 It is said that the C.P.R. want the lumber piles removed from the neighborhood of their old station at Ottawa as a condition of their rebuilding there. Ottawa Citizen 12 May 1900 It is understood that the class of buildings which the C.P.R. will erect on its property on the flats largely depends upon the fire limits which the city council defines and the decision which is reaches [sic] relative to the piling of lumber within the corporation limits. A stone station as well as freight sheds may be put up during the year, but before making any move in the matter the road. like all other interests, awaits a final decision by the city council and the adoption of regulations clearly defining fire areas and other questions which are incidentally involved. - - - The heavy loss sustained by the Canadian Pacific in the fire is likely to temporarily derange any plans which it has had for securing a right of way across the city and connecting the transcontinental line with the short line running into the Central depot. Ottawa Citizen 14 May 1900 NEW C.P.R. STATION It Will be a Solid Stone Building - Trans-City Line Not Given Up. Excavation work was commenced this morning for the erection of the new freight sheds in the Canadian Pacafic [sic]s yards. These sheds will be built on stone foundations, and made as fireproof as possible. They will be fitted with modern appliances for the speedy storage and discharge of freight. The largest building will be 300 feet long and 40 feet wide and the second one 250 feet long and 50 feet wide. Both buildings will be finished with flat gravel roofs. In arrangement and equipment the sheds are to surpass any heretofore built by the company in the large cities. Work on both buildings will be pushed with the greatest possible despatch. The contract for the masonry has been let to Mr. Thomas Tompkins, of Brockville, and the framework will be performed by the railway company. An outlay of $25,000 will be made on the sheds. Mr. C. W. Spencer, general superintendent of the Eastern Division of the CPR, accompanied by Mr D. MacPherson, divisional engineer, arrived in Ottawa this morning on business connected with the erection of the new station, enlargement of the yards, etc. The plans for the station have not yet been completed but it will be built after the style of the Place Viger station in Montreal. The new Ottawa station is to be a handsome structure, situated immediately south of the old one, and flanked with extensive train sheds. It will be 289 ft in length and stone is to be used entirely in the construction. On the second floor the divisional offices will be situated. The cost is estimated at $35,000. The train sheds are to be between 645 and 800 feet in length. Ten tracks will run into them giving ample accommodation for the passenger traffic. MR. SPENCER'S STATEMENT Mr. Spencer stated the building of the new station would in no way interfere with the C.P.R.'s. plans regarding the proposed Central depot. His company has still in view the project of securing right of way through the city to the proposed station. He was of the opinion the time had arrived when the corporation should make a demand for the early erection of the downtown depot. Plans have also been drawn up for the enlargement and re-arrangement of the Canadian Pacific yards. The new land recently acquired consists of about ten acres between the aqueduct and Richmond road and the river front. On it 20 new tracks will be laid, giving greater facility for the marshalling and storage of trains. On the completion of this work the passenger and freight yards will be entirely separate. The passenger yard is to be fitted with ten more tracks giving provision for the making up and dispatching of trains with a marked saving of time. There will also be ample accommodation for the storage of passenger cars. A new line will be built from a point on the main line near the Mechanicsville crossing, connecting with the Prescott line. This will form aY and greatly facilitate the handling of trains entering and leaving the new station. Over 500 men will be given employment on the improvement and extension work of the Canadian Pacific Railway company's premises. Also covered in Ottawa Free Press, same date.--The new station will be built about 300 feet south of the old one. It will face Broad street and lie between the waterworks aqueduct and the C.A.R. tracks. The site will not be far from the Richmond road. Ottawa Citizen 14 May 1900 EXTEND FIRE AREA B Recommendations of Sub-committee on the Piling in Lumber Yards. Page 4 column 5 Otawa Journal 14 May 1900 BOARD OF TRADE CALLED TO TAKE UP THE NEW FIRE AREA BY=LAW The Special Committee Agrees About the Restrictions to be Placed Upon the Piling of Lumber Page 8 column 4 Ottawa Citizen 15 May 1900 MR. SPENCER AND MR. BOOTH Both Heard by the Aldermen on the Lumber Piling Question Page 1 column 7 - - - IS AMENDED Board of Trade in Fire Area Bylaw SLIGHT CHANGES MADE Page 6 column 5 Ottawa Journal 15 May 1900 CLAMORING FOR PROTECTION CHAUDIERE INTERESTS RE-LUMBER PILING Page 7 column 3 - - - Board of Trade and City Council Discuss Fire Area Restrictions Page 3 columns 3 and 4. Ottawa Citizen 16 May 1900 NO DECISION YET ON PILING QUESTION City Couhcil Discusses the Matter and Passes Some of the Clauses of the New Fire Area Bylaw Last Night. Mre. Booth Addresses the Council - Fire Area B to be Extended - Aldermen Express Their Views. Page 5 columns 3 and 4. - - - CITY COUNCIL TONIGHT The Lumber Piling Question Will Likely be Disposed of. Another special meeting of the city council has been called for tonight to further consider the fire area by-law. The only clause of importance that remains to be dealt with is that relating to the piling of lumber and after the very thorough discussion of last night it would appear thst the aldermen chould be in a position to take some definite action. Ottawa Journal 16 May 1900 Fire Area Extended; Lumber Question Unsettled ALDERMEN TALKED THREE AND A HALF HOURS ON ISSUE And Failed to Reach any Conclusion as to Lumber Piling. Extension of Area abd Riif Requirements Pass with Good Majority Page 3 columns 3, 4 and 5 then page 5 column 4. Ottawa Citizen 17 May 1900 FIRE BY-LAW City Council Gives it Second Reading IMPORTANT AMENDMENT Which Affects the Distance Between Houses and Lumber Piles Page 6 columns 5 and 6. Ottawa Journal 17 May 1900 CONCLUSION ON LUMBER PILING Council will Restrict it within Sixty Feet of Any Building, One Piling Yard Excepted Where Mr. Booth and C.P.R. Have an Agreement. Page 3 columns 3 and 4. Ottawa Journal 18 May 1900 MORE AMENDMENTS. Lumber Piling By-Law not yet Satisfactory to all. When the proposed fire by-law comes up for its third reading, an amendment will be moved to make the restriction that lumber shall not be piled within sixty feet of any building, applicable to the whole city, excepting, of course, the half million feet allowed for manufacturing purposes. The exception, where 30 feet was to be the regulation in Rochesterville yards, was allowed to pass the second reading Wednesday night by some of the aldermen who oppose anything less than sixty feet in any of the piling grounds but who will fight the question on the third reading. As the by-law has now to get only one reading it has been decided not to hold a special meeting of council, to-night, but to let it come up at the regular meeting, on Monday night. - - - It was reported in the city today that the contract for the erection of the new Canadian Pacific Railway depot has been awarded to Mr. Thos. Thomkins of Brockville and that no time will be lost in starting to work. Mr. Thomkins constructed most of the CPR depots in the north west and BC as well as the hotel at Vancouver belonging to the same company. He was in the city a few days ago. Renfrew Mercury 18 May 1900 The C.P.R. is this week starting work on its new freight sheds and station in Ottawa. The new station will be nearly three times as large as the old one, and about 300 feet south of the old one - between the waterworks aqueduct and the C.P.R. track. Two plans for the superstructure are under consideration. One, all stone, three storeys. The other, stone foundation, with a brick superstructure. Ottawa Citizen 19 May 1900 FOR THE COUNCIL Mr. Booth Asks Permission to Lay Tracks Across Bridge St. At the regular meeting of the city council on Monday night the fire area by-law will be given its third reading. In reference to the lumber piling question Mr. J. R. Booth this morning wrote the mayor: "I beg respectively to state that owing to my having to give up one-third of my piling ground in the city and the consequent restrictions placed on my lumber operations by the extension of the fire area, I would ask permission to cross Bridge street from the east to the west side with a continuation of one of the tracks of the C.A.R. as set forth on the accompanying plan in order that I may be able to remove as much as possible to a distance from the built up portion cf the city and in doing so I shall protect the crossing in such a way as the council may direct." Mr. Booth encloses a plan of the proposed changes. Ottawa Citizen 21 May 1900 TOWER AND CLOCK The New C.P.R,. Station will be an Ornament to the West End. The plans for the new C.P.R. station on Broad Street were brought to the city today by Mr. C. W. Spencer, general superintendent of the Eastern Division of the C.P.R. The new building will be of white pressed brick with stone foundation and is designed after the Place Viger station in Montreal. In the center will be an elevated tower and clock. On the ground floor there will be a waiting room, a lady's waiting room, a second-class waiting room, a smoking room, restaurant, dining rooms, baggage and express room. On the second floor thete will be a suite of 12 offices with a number of others on the third story. It is proposed to lay ten tracks up to the station for passenger traffic and a number of additional tracks for the accommodation of rolling stock. The estimated cost of the station is $50,000 and further improvements contemplated will bring the amount up to $100,000. Mr. C. W. Spencer spoke this morning of the conditions on which the improvements would be made. He stated that the only question which the C.P.R. had undertaken was the protection of the extensive structures which it proposes to put up. The company, he said, contended that in view of the situation of the passenger premises no lumber should be piled west of Broad Street or north of the Richmond road. The C.P.R. would leave it with the city council to decide and on its decision would depend whether the present extensive plans could be carried out or much inferior buildings and arrangements substituted thereforel. "Our desire," Mr. Spencer said, " is to construct such buildings as will be a credit and an encouragement for the rebuilding of the west part of Ottawa. It will not in any way affect our part of building and operating the Central depot which should be built without further delay and be a monument to the city." In reference to an inquiry as to whether the Sussex Street depot was to be closed Mr. Spencer stated that the C.P.R. had no such intention. It had already taken a step in the direction of permanency by building steel bridges over the Rideau river. The company had great faith in Ottawa. Ottawa Journal 21 May 1900 TO-NIGHT'S COUNCIL MEETING. The city council will meet again tonight, when the by-law in regard to the fire area and lumber piling will come up for a third reading. It is likely to cause more discussion in view of the further protest from the Canadian Pacific Railway against lumber piling on the north side of the Richmond road. - - - It is claimed the city council will have to practically settle tonight the question whether or not Ottawa is to have a handsome new Canadian Pacific Railway depot on Broad Street or a much more modest structure than the company has at present in contemplation. The situation is said to be practically this: The CPR will not make any great expenditure in connection with a depot building if it is to be menaced by the piling of lumber. The company feel that while not discussing the piling of lumber generally, that where extensive improvements which will be of great benefit to Ottawa are contemplated, that it is fairly entitled to the necessary protection. At the last meeting of the city council which considered the lumber question, the impression was given that Mr. C. W. Spencer of the C.P.R. and Mr. J. R. Booth had come to an arrangement whereby Mr.J. R. Booth was to cease the piling of lumber on a strip of ground on the north side of the Richmond Road and west of Broad street, in return for an equal amount of piling ground to be given by the C.P.R. This is not the case. Referring to the matter to-day, Mr. C. W. Spencer said that no final arrangement had been made with Mr. Booth. Mr. Booth had seen him and the matter was discussed and taken under consideration, but in looking over the company's property, it was found that not only is there the required ground to be spared Mr. Booth, but that more property is required by the C.P.R., and will have to be purchased. The C.P.R does not want to be antagonistic to Mr. Booth, and it is not with this end in view that objection is taken to the piling of lumber at the point in question. It is simply that such a fine building as they propose to erect, and the great amount of passenger rolling stock that will be adjacent must not be menaced. "If the city council decides to-night to permit Mr. Booth to pile lumber west of Broad street on the north side of Richmond road, what effect will it have on your proposed improvements?" was asked Mr. Spencer. "It will simply mean this," he replied: "I fear a much inferior building to that proposed will be erected. Whatever we do in the western part of the city, will have no effect on our policy in regard to the proposed Central depot at Sapper's Bridge. We are, as heretofor stated, anxious to join in the construction and operation of a Central depot, which would be a credit to the city of Ottawa." The New Depot. The plans for the new station, proposed by the Canadian Pacific Railway, replacing the one recently destroyed by fire, were on exhibition today, at Union depot grounds. As already described in The Journal they show a very handsome structure along the lines of the Place Viger depot in Montreal. The depot proposed is of stone foundation, white Scotch pressed brick, with slate roof. The main building, three stones [sic] high, will be surmounted with a tower, in which a large clock will be placed. The ground floor of this building provides first-class waiting room, ladies' waiting room, second-class waiting room, gentlemen's smoking room, dining room, restaurant, baggage room, and express room. The estimated cost of the station premises proper, independent of the tracks, will be about $50,000. The further improvements contemplated on the part of the C.P.R. on the station and freight yard premises will involve a further expenditure of from $100,000 $125,000 at least. Ottawa Journal 22 May 1900 CITY IS BACK TO OLD ORDER OF THINGS Proposed By-law was Defeated Aldermen Could not Agree on Lumber Piling and Fire Area Issues. Lumber may now be Piled Without Restriction Page 3 columns 3, 4 and 5. Ottawa Citizen 22 May 1900 NEW FIRE BYLAW KILLED LAST NIGHT Old Regulations, Permitting Piling of Lumber promiscuously and Erection of Wooden Houses, Remain in Force. Page 3 columns 3 and 4. - - - WHY THEY VOTED AGAINST BYLAW Some of the Aldermen Say it Went Too Far and Others Say it Was Not Stringent Enough as Regards Lumber Piling. Mr. J.R. Booth Will Comply with the Terms of the Rejected Bylaw - C.P.R. Won't Start Work on Big Station Just Now. Page 1 columns 1 and 2 Exerpt Mr. BOOTH'S STATEMENT mr. J. R. Booth whose interests are more largely involved than those of any other in the question, told a Citizen reporter this morning that he would conform to the by-law just the same as if it had been passed. "I will not pile my lumber," he said " within 60 feet of buildings where there are streets; where there are no streets I will provide a space of thirty feet. I expected that the by-law would be put through last night but its defeat will not permit me from carrying out its provisions. I am prepared to do what is fair. There were objectional features in the by-law; it would involve a great hardship on poor people who have lost all they had to compel them to put up expensive fireproof buildings. I want to see the burnt district built up and the restrictions should not be too stringent. I believe, however, that people will put up substantial buildings for their own protection." Mr SPENCER'S STATEMENT Mr. C. W. Spencer, superintendent of the Eastern division of the C.P.R., returned to Montreal this morning. "I was greatly disappointed," he said, "at the action of the council last night. The plans for our Union depot will be deferred for the present. We will go ahead, however, with our freight sheds and other improvements. Ottawa Citizen 25 May 1900 By June 15 it is expected communication by electric cars between Ottawa and Hull will be re-established. The Dominion Bridge Company has a gang of men at work repairing and replacing the trestle work under the O.E. railway on the Quebec side.-- The footpaths will be separated from the roadway and tracks by a railway.-- Ottawa Journal 28 May 1900 The passengers on the Pontiac train as well as the Aylmerites are sorely inconvenienced by being obliged to walk through Mr. Booth's lumber yard to connect with the Ottawa cars. The Hull Electric Company has offered to lend a car for connection between Eddy's Corners and McKay's Mill. It is claimed here that the track can be made perfectly safe in three days so that the great inconvenience to the public is considered entirely unnecessary Saturday June 9. The people of Aylmer and the passengers by the PPJ Railway greatly appreciate the convenience arising from the repair of the OER from Eddy's Corner to McKay's Mills and the resumption of traffic on that piece of road. Ottawa Journal 2 June 1900 The Canada Atlantic railway have not yet decided where they will rebuild their Chaudiere office. The agent is at present stationed in a car. Ottawa Citizen 4 June 1900 A foot bridge has been completed across the lumber slides on the site of the Chaudiere bridge destroyed in the fire. This establishes direct communication with Hull. The O.E. railway company has a gang of men at work repairing its tracks on the Quebec side and when this work is completed, a car will be placed on the line between the Hull terminus and the McKay mill. This car will connect with the regular line on the Ontario side, the connecting link being the footbridge just completed which is 500 feet long. Ottawa Citizen 6 June 1900 Ever since the fire the electric street railway company has been busy repairing the bridge from what was McKay's offices to Hull. A car has been taken over and will run between these points. A temporary walk is being built over the slides so that passengers for Hull will have but a very short walk to transfer from one car to another. The work will be completed today. Ottawa Free Press 9 June 1900 An electric car was started running between the Chaudiere bridge and Hull on Thursday much to the convenience of Hull passengers. The electric railway act is much appreciated. Ottawa Journal 22 June 1900 It is reported today that the contract for the new CPR station on Broad Street has been awarded to Contractor Piggott of Hamilton. The station will be of white brick with stone trimmings as already described in the Journal and the building alone will cost about $40,000. Ottawa Citizen 23 June 1900 HAVE THE CONTRACT Messrs. Lyons and White Will Build the C.P.R. Station. Ald. James White was asked by a representative of the Citizen last night if there was any truth in the rumor that he was the successful tenderer for the new C.P.R. station. Mr. White replied that he could not say but would likely know by noon today. Mr. White could not he seen today but it was learned from other tenderers that there was no doubt but the firm ot Lyon and White would build the station. Ottawa Journal 23 June 1900 THE NEW C.P.R. STATION Said That Contract for its Construction is Awarded to Lyons and White According to a prominent businessman in the city, it was rumored in Montreal that the contract for the new C.P.R. station has been awarded to Lyons & White of Ottawa. It was stated that the difference between the figures of this firm and those of contractor Piggott, of Hamilton, was only $10. The new structure was estimated to cost about $40,000. The new depot will be about two stories and a half high and built of stone. Should it be the fact that Messrs. Lyons and White have secured the contract, it will be so much better for the city as being a local firm, they will be led by local sympathies, and local labor will get first call from an alderman who has been elected several times to the city council by a working man's vote. It is the intention of the C.P.R. to erect a station that will be a credit to the city and one that will at least have a fair chance of withstanding a holocaust of flame such as may probably never reach the city of Ottawa again. Ottawa Free Press 23 June 1900 The Ottawa Electric railway is running its second trolley wire from the Chaudiere bridge to Hull. It is expected that a second car will be put on between the bridge and Hull shortly. Ottawa Citizen 25 June 1900 The C.P.R. is after increased yard facilities in connection with the new Union station which it will build this summer. The company has made application to the city for privilege of putting down additional tracks over the aqueduct. There are already two tracks at that point. The C.P.R. claims that under an agreement with the Canada Central railway, the original owners of the property, the corporation was given right of way for the aqueduct on the understanding that if more tracks across it were necessary they could be obtained. The city engineer will look up the agreement. Ottawa Free Press 25 June 1900 The new freight sheds of the C.P.R. are ready to be occupied. Ottawa Journal 29 June 1900 Permit Taken Out For Construction of New C. P. R. Depot. A permit wss taken out for tbe new C.P. R. station this morning. Messrs. Lyon and White will commence work on their contract on Tuesday next, and the station must be completed by December. Almonte Gazette 29 June 1900 Messrs. Lyons and White have been awarded the contract to build the new C.P.R. station at Ottawa.The contract price is about $35,000. Ottawa Journal 4 July 1900 New Fire Regularions are Now Law Got Third Reading Last Evening Quantity of Lumber to be Piled in Area A to be Limited to 500,000 Feet The new fire by-law is now in effect as a result of the council's action last night, and one of the main provisions is that the piling of lumber in larger quantities than 500,000 feet is restricted to a certain area to be separated by a clear space of from 30 to 60 feet from other property. The fire limits are extended. - - - The Bridge street crossing is to be held over until the feasibility of the Sherwood street line is reported upon. Ottawa Citizen 4 July 1900 FIRE AREA BY-LAW THROUGH COUNCIL Certain Fire Protection Must Now be Provided Within Fire Limits A and B and the Piling of Lumber is Limited. The city council last nignt polished on the slate in a business-like manner a lot of important business previous to entering upon a vacation period of two months. The most important measure dealt with finally was the fire area by-law, which was put through its final stage and goes into effect immediately, the council thus reversing the apathetic stand which it took on the issue a few weeks ago, when the by-law was unceremoniously thrown out. It was re-introduced, however, by Ald. Hopewell, and although several amendments have been suggested they were defeated and the by-law goes on the book with the same provisions and regulations as it originally contained when submitted a few days after the fire. Although there has been a great flow of eloquence and an abnormal indulgence in loquacity with many arguments for and against the measure, the decision has at last become general that the limitations originally suggested by Building Inspector Pratt were about as adequate to meet the requirements of the situation as any that have since been promulgated. So the bylaw was given its third reading last night without a great deal of discussion and only with a slight opposition. Ottawa Free Press 7 July 1900 Work on the new station will be commenced this week by the contractors, Messrs. White and Lyons. Local labor will be exclusively employed and the excavation pushed as rapidly as possible. Ottawa Journal 9 July 1900 TO WIDEN STREET C.P.R. Will Leave Land to Double Width of Broad St. Contractors Lyon and White have had the site for the C.P.R. depot staked out between the waterworks aqueduct and the present C.A.R. track, and active operations on the work of the depot will be commenced this week. The building is being located so that the city can avail itself of the offer of the C.P.R. to widen Broad street to the full 66 foot with which will make a fine stret [sic] of it. This will call for an extension of the stone arch bridge on Broad street over the waterwoirks aqueduct. The contract for the station is to be completed by December. Ottawa Free Press 22 August 1900 In the freight yard and freight department everything is nearly completed. The clerks moved into their handsome new brick offices today. The office is 50x10, two storeys high, well heated and ventilated and provided with all modern improvements. A splendid view of the Ottawa river and surrounding scenery can be obtained. Mr. E. O'Neil, the veteran freight agent is proud of his new quarters. Downstairs there are the private offices for Mr. O'Neil, Mr. H. Templeton, cashier and for the Dominion Transport Company. Mr. Fred Lapointe, landing waiter, also has an office on this floor. Upstairs, the remainder of the clerks, of which there are fourteen in all, will be placed. Communicating with the receiving freight shed are quarters for the teamsters where they receive their bills instead of coming into the office. At the end of the receiving shed, which is 250 x 50 feet, is the heated room for perishable goods and the foreman's office. A Guerney scale of 6,000 pounds capacity is being placed in position. At the end of this shed, which, with rows of lifting doors and direct communication freight is all handled with as little loss of time and labor as possible, a large platform, 100 feet long, for the landing and unloading of oil will be built. This will keep the flooring in the freight sheds clean. Midway between the receiving and forwarding freight sheds is the covered transhipping platform, where all goods requiring transhipment are placed. The outgoing or forwarding shed is 300 x 40. There are three separate tracks leading to the receiving and two to the outgoing freight shed. The sheds are lighted by electricity and near the docks the incandescent lamps are enclosed in a wire globe, and provided with a long string so that, during the winter, they can be taken right into the cars. In the outgoing freight shed are three pairs of scales whereas there was only one in the old shed. Freight has to be carried but a very short distance to get weighed. The shed is divided into sections and the names of the stations in that section are bulletined while the sections are all numbered. The cars opposite each door way are also numbered so that in the loading of freight there is no liability to error as the system in vogue is as nearly perfect and complete as it is possible to have it. The checkers and porters have everything to guide them The passenger part. The pressed brick work in the new station will be commenced this week by Contractors Lyons & White. The stone foundations and foundation walls are completed. The new station has to be ready for occupancy by Christmas. The platform unbrellas or "covered ways" as the public call them are now under way. They are being erected by the C.P.R. company itself. One of the umbrellas, 740 feet long and the other 645, each being 16 feet wide. There will be four tracks for the direct incoming and outgoing of passenger trains. Two will be between the covered ways and one on either side. These tracks are now being laid and ballasted. There will be thirteen other tracks for the storing of reserve cars. A nine inch pile tile drain is being put down to connect the new station with the main drain. All the work of track laying, covered ways, switches, etc., is being carried out under the direction of Mr. A.F. MacCallum, C.E., of Toronto, who has a long experience of construction and terminal work. To the west of the freight sheds will be coal chutes. The trestle work is complete and the chutes will soon be in position. Where the present temporary station and other building are will be placed a number of short platforms and tracks for the loading of freight. The extra facilities, yard room and freight accommodation of the C.P.R. will enable the company to do a much larger business than heretofore and ample room for the growing demands of the Capital for years to come. Ottawa Citizen 23 August 1900 BY FIRST OF DECEMBER New C.P.R.Station Will be Ready - New Freight Sheds Occupied The ruins of the C. P. R. buildings in the great fire had hardly ceased to smoulder, when the company, one of the heaviest losers, commenced its plans for the reconstruction of the buildings on a grander scale than before and of a size more commensurate with the ever increasing requirements of this up-to-date corporation. Yesterday, the first of these building, the new freight offices, were completed and occupied. In order that the freight and passenger departments may be kept separate, the new freight offices are located well up on Broad street, a considerable distance from where the passenger depot is being erected. The building has been constructed of brick, and is two stories in height. The rooms are large and airy and well arranged. On the first floor is the offices of Mr. O'Neill, the freight agent, the cashier, F. Lapointe, landing waiter, the Dominion Transport company and a long room for the clerical staff. The upstairs room for the present will be used by the clerical staff. In the rear part of the freight building is the bonded warehouse and extending back, a distance of 260 feet are the storage sheds, covered with galvanised iron and thus rendered practically fire proof. Every arrangement has been made to facilitate the handling and quick despatch of freight. Over at the Union station site, Messrs. Lyon and White, the contractors, are making good progress on the new depot. It is expected that it will be finished by the first of December. The new depot will be 156 feet long, 36 feet deep and will consist of three stories and a handsome tower. Scotch fire brick will be used in the building. The first floor will contain the main waiting room, ladies waiting room, smoking room, dining room, and second-class waiting room. In the south end, the baggage room and quarters of the Dominion Express will be located. The second floor will contain quarters for the superintendant, train despatchers, trainmaster and clerical staff. When finished, the depot will be another worthy addition to the handsome strucures owned by the company all over Canada and will be a credit to the city. Great changes will also be made in the yard which will contain much more track accommodation than, heretofore. Ottawa Citizen 11 September 1900 Work on the new C.P.R. station at the Chaudiere is progressing rapidly. The brick walls are up to a height of about 15 feet and the covered platform is almost completed, the roof having been finished yesterday. Ottawa Citizen 20 September 1900 Work on the new Union station is progressing favorably and the handsome brick work is well advanced. Ottawa Citizen 14 November 1900 Ald. White, who is one of the contractors for the C.P.R. station, says the new building will be ready for occupancy about the middle of December. The heating apparatus is shortly to be installed. Ottawa Journl 17 November 1900 ![]() Drawing of new depot. With the completion of the new Canadian Pacific depot the Capital will one of the completest stations in the country. The structure is not lacking in size, either, having a frontage of 156 feet with a depth of 40 feet. On either side of the main building is a wing with a frontage on 35 feet and a depth of 80 feet. The present structure will be fully double the size of the old one which had a 50 foot frontage. The new building is of the modern type, yet possesses that symmetry and balance of architecture which originated among the ancient Greeks. The central pavilion stands four storeys high with a half tower. The whole building will have a high pitched roof of Rockland slate, while its foundations are laid on the solid rock 12 feet below the surface. Above the foundation for three and a half feet the walls are of solid Scottish granite, and above this white fire brick imported from Scotland for the purpose completes the walls. The central building will contain the general waiting room, a ticket and a telegraph office. In this portion of the building to the right of the general waiting room will be placed the gentleman's first class waiting and smoking room and the first class waiting room for ladies. In the northern wing will be the restaurant and pantry. A corridor will be constructed between the two first class waiting rooms to the restaurant. Immediately to the left of the general waiting room will be the second class waiting room while at the extreme south of the building the 80 foot wing will be utilized as a general baggage room and the office and store room of the Dominion Express Company. The upstairs portion will be utilized as offices of the superintendent of the road, staff, trainmaster, roadmaster, train despatcher, building and bridge master, and three spare offices, The present station is situated about fifty feet back from the street between Richmond Road and the aqueduct. Thus cabs and other vehicles will find ample space in front of the depot. Two platforms, 700 feet in length, with umbrella roofs have been constructed, between which six new tracks for passenger trains have been laid. An umbrella roof also covers the platform in the rear of the station. The company has filled in the differences in level between the old site and the new caused by the new being five feet higher than the former. The old site and tracks will be converted into an extensive freight yard. The company is sparing no pains to make the new station as perfect as possible and from present appearances there can be small doubt of their success. The estimated cost of building was at first $30,000 but it is now considered that $35,000 will be required to complete the work. The above cut shows the new station completed. Ottawa Free Press 24 December 1900 Ald. White informed the Free Press yesterday that the new C.P.R. station would be in readiness for occupation about the 15th of January. It would have been completed by now had there not been a scarcity of plumbers. There were so few unoccupied in the city that some had to be obtained from Montreal. Ottawa Journal 14 January 1901 COMING TO THE COUNCIL CANADIAN PACIFIC AFTER CONCESSIONS. Mr. C. W. Spencer Says Ottawa Should Help the Company to get to the Central station From the West, The Canadian Pacific Railway wants the city to assist it in getting its western line to the Central Depot by a direct route. Mr. C. W. Spencer, general superintendent of the Canadian Pacific, was in the city yesterday, and speaking to the Journal, said that the company would have some proposals to make to the council, this week, regarding the right to cross certain streets from the west end of the city to the Central Depot. Mr.Spencer says it has cost the company about $200,00 to rebuild the old Union Depot. He would not go into a detailed statement of what the company wants the city to do or as to the route of the line to join the western and eastern tracks. Almonte Gazette 8 February 1901 The new C.P.R, station at Ottawa has been open and occupied. It is a handsome structure in pressed brick, Ottawa Citizen 11 March 1901 Hundreds of those who were on hand to welcome the Strathconas yesterday had their first opportunity of inspecting the new Union station and surroundings. The station was opened early in the afternoon and many very favorable comments were passed by the hundreds that viewed its interior and exterior furnishings and fixings. Station Constables Sullivan and Kelly were both on duty and they worked good naturedly replying to the volley of questions aimed at them. |
Updated 19 April 2024