The Railways of Ottawa

Finding No. 21   Railway Structures Destroyed (Mainly) by Fire

Canadian National Station at Moose Creek Burned 13 April 1955

Ottawa Citizen 14 April 1955

The Citizen learned this afternoon that Frank Gardner of the Ontario Fire Marshal's office, here to head the investigation into the series of church fires, will go to Moose Creek to look over the picture there. The station fire broke out at 11 o'clock last night, and the house was burned down at 3 o'clock this morning.

Both Fires unexplalned
Both fires at Moose Creek have so far been unexplained, and fire and police authorities today were speculating over the possibility that Ottawa's church-destroying pyromaniac may have shifted his scene of operations.
The blaze which destroyed the station at Moose Creek damaged rails on the right-of-way, and disrupted telegraph communications between Ottawa and Montreal.
Rail traffic was not hampered to any extent, however, as trains were routed over a passing track there, pending repairs to the main line.
A small quantity of freight was lost in the blaze, but the value has not yet been determined.
The station agent, Armand Poulin, locked up for the day at around 5.30 p.m. yesterday, and at that time everything was in order. He said today that he could think of no reason why a fire should have broken out in the station less than six hours later

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Ottawa Journal 14 April 1955

Station At Moose Creek Destroyed by Fire
MOOSE CREEK, April 14. (Special)-. Fire last night levelled the CNR station on the Ottawa - Montreal main line here, destroying some baggage and express parcels and rail road telegraphy equipment. Nobody was injured and no estimate of loss has been made.
Four hours later an old abandoned one room shack was also destroyed by fire nesr the village
Causes of the two blazes remain undetermined, but an investigation of the station fire is continuing.
Rail traffic was undisturbed by the late-evening fire along the railroad, although trains had to move onto the passing track at that point since a few ties on the regular track had been burned.
The fire is believed to have started in the station freight room and moved on into the watting room and office,
CNR officials said a temporary structure is being erected immediately to replace the station until a new one is built.

Board of Transport Commissioners Order 88724 of  3 May 1956

Approves location and details of station proposed to be erected at Moose Creek, CNR Alexandria sub. m. 97.4 (old mileage)

Updated 15 October 2021

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