The Railways of Ottawa

Finding No. 21   Railway Structures Destroyed (Mainly) by Fire

Canadian Pacific Station at Gracefield Destroyed by Fire 3 September 1926

Ottawa Citizen 4 September 1926

Loss of Between $10,000 and $12,000 in Blaze Which Consumed Building and Contents.

The Canadian Pacific Railway Company suffered a loss estimated at between $10,000 and $12,000 early Friday morning in the destruction of the railway station at Gracefield, by fire, which is believed to have started shortly after midnight from the sparks of a passing freight locomotive,
The first alarm received regarding the fire came from a Mrs. Garneau, living near tne station, who was awakened between twelve and one o'clock by a ruddy reflection in her bedroom window. She then discovered that the station was in flames, and dressing, went to the residence of Mr. E. Sylvester, the station agent who hurried to the scene with volunteer firefighters, but the fire had gained such headway they were powerless to avert its progress, and the station was burned to the ground.
Just how much the loss will be will not be known until the express parcels are checked up, as there were a number of parcels in the office, together with records and freight sheets, all of which were burned.
The commercial telegraph office was also destroyed, but the freight shed, across the tracks from the station, was saved.
The station agent, Mr. Sylvester stated he was at a loss to account for the fire as when he went off duty Thursday night, after the Gatineau train had passed through, he left everything safe and secure. He is of the opinion that the fire was caused either from the sparks of the locomotive drawing a freight train which passed through Gracefield about eleven o'clock or from someone stealing a "doze" in the station, having dropped a lighted cigarette but.
The station was of frame construction and was built about thirty years ago. Advised of the fire, The C.P.R. officials restored telegraphic communication yesterday in a temporary office and it is likely that a brick station of a more modern character, will replace the old buiilding in the near future,.
There is no firefighting apparatus of any kind in the village and all fires have to be fought via the bucket brigade.

Railway and Shipping World October 1926

Gracefield station at mile 57.6 from Ottawa is reported to have been totally destroyed by fire, Sept. 3.

Board of Railway Commissioners Order No. 40335 of  8 February 1928.

Aproves location and details of proposed new station at Gracefield, m. 57.6.

Updated 9 October 2021

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