Where Are Those Clocks The Old OER Displayed? Published 16 March 1956

This is to tell Dave Gill that he's had a fit of forgetfulness and that he owes an Ottawa Electric Railway clock to the  Canadian Railroad Historical Association.
The other day, one of San Francisco's famous cable cars turned up in Montreal, consigned to the aforementioned Canadian Railroad Historical Association. Old scrivener that I am, I wrote to Vice President Omer S. A. Lavallee, 7440 Durocher Avenue, Montreal, to ask him what he was going to do with a cable car. Starting a museum, he confessed.
Listed Treasures
Then he listed some of his treasures. One of them is a Montreal and Southern Counties interurban No. 104, and built by the old Ottawa Car Company in 1911. Incidentally he has not got the car yet; it is still running but is promised by the end of the year.
But this is where the amiable Gill comes in. Lavallee writed
"A couple of years ago when the OTC removed the clocks from the street-cars I wrote General Manager Gill, whom I have the pleasure of knowing well, to ask for one of the clocks. He stated at that time that no decision had been made as to disposal, but that he would advise me. I have never heard what happened to them, but if you know anybody in the OTC we woukld still like to get one."
Let me see, I know a fellow called Dave McMillan. But the question is: has he any drag with Dave Gill?
Why don't you loosen up Dave, and send one of those former OER clocks to the street-car museum? Incidentally I suggested that the Historical Association try to put the pressure on President Crump for that old Canadian Pacific mogul 3011, that was around Brockville for years. But a hard hearted CPR has sent the 2-6-0 type to the Last Roundhouse.

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