Riding the Resurrected
Turbo - Branchline, March 1974, page
Farewell 1057 - Branchline,
October 1975, page 2.
A Few of Us Visit the Old Union Station - Branchline, November 1976, page 4.
1700 Miles by Train or what
a way to Spend a Weekend - Branchline,
April 1977, page 3.
A Northlander Weekend
- Branchline, November 1977, page 5.
Warning to Railfan -
Access to Station - Branchline,
November 1977, page 5.
Branchline History -
Part II - Branchline, September
1981, page 9.
Going to Cuba using the LRC - Branchline,
April 1982, page 12.
To Santos, Brazil, by GE 70
tonner - Branchline,
March 1983, page 3.
Farewell to Lacolle - Branchline,
March 1986, page 8.
Christmas Memories - Branchline, December 1986, page 6.
Living the Impossible Dream -
Steam in China - Branchline, July
1987, page 4.
Book Review - Whistle Stop by George
Gait - Branchline, December 1987,
page 17.
First Annual Branchline Photo Contest - Branchline, January 1988, page 3.
VIA After the Cutbacks - Branchline, July/August 1990, page 21.
Thoughts from an Old Timer
- Branchline, November 1990, page 13.
Hints on Taking Good Photos
- Branchline, October 1991, page 19.
Riding the Skeena - Branchline, January 1992, page 9.
1991 Black and White Photo
Contest - Branchline, January 1992,
page 12.
The Tender Crest - Branchline, January 1992, page 20.
VIA and The Toronto Trolley
Coach Tour - Branchline, March 1992,
page 16.
Experiencing Eastern
Ecstacy- Branchline, January 1994,
page 22.
Early Morning Memories -
Train of Tomorrow - Branchline,
April 1994, page 15.
Fast Mail in 1891 - Branchline, October 1994, page 19.
Diefenbaker and the Canoe
River Wreck - Branchline, September
1996, page 26.
Canada's Newest Steam Operation - Branchline,
December 1997, page 18.
WCRA Wilderness Tour - The
Final Installment? - Branchline,
November 2001, page 6.
Canadians Abroad - Branchline, May
2002, page 20.
Essex Terminal Railway 100th Anniversary Celebration - Branchline, November 2002, page 5.
Luxury Rail Travel - Is It for Railfans? - Branchline, February 2003, page 6.
Meltdown - Branchline, May 2003, page 20.
To Oklahoma and Beyond Using a North American Railpass - Branchline, october 2004, page 3.
Changing Technology and its Human Impact, Branchline, May 2005, page 18.
Experiencing the Past
- New Zealand - Branchline, October
2005, page 22.
Chasing Steam in Cuba
by Bike - Branchline, May 2006, page
Fifty Years
Later - Branchline, July/August
2006, page 3.
Last Days in Ottawa West with photographs by John Frayne - Branchline, March 2007, page 21.
A 'Make-do Operation' - Branchline,
January 2008, page 20.
"Train of Tomorrow" visits Stratford, Ontario - Branchline, March 2010, page 8.