![]() Ottawa Journal June 24 As a result of a bad head on collision on the G.T.R. about three miles west of Carlsbad (Eastmans) Springs late Saturday, William R. Douglas of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, a C.P.R. brakeman met a terrible death. He was pinned under a locomotive--- As a result of the accident a locomotive and three cars were ditched and from 100 to 200 feet of track torn up. Late Saturday night, a shunting engine, which was running light, and was westbound, collided with the regular east bound freight train. Both train and shunter were travelling at a high rate of speed and it is said they came together with a terrible impact. -- The collision happened about 11:30. No. 70, the regular eastbound freight left Ottawa around 11 in charge of Conductor W. Summers, Engineer W. Cooper and Brakesman W.R. Douglas. It was proceeding at a high rate of speed as the crew understood they had the right of way and that the track ahead was quite clear. Suddenly the fast moving freight collided with a shunting engine, on its way to Ottawa, and also running rapidly. This engine had been coming from Hawkesbury, was driven by Engineer Alexander Dewar, and was on the way here to allow certain repairs to be made to it. More. Inquest to be held. Eastern Ontario Review (Vankleek Hill) Friday 28 June 1907 Engineer Dewar, Fireman W. Short and Flagman W.R. Smith, the train crew of the G.T.R. light engine which crashed into the New York and Ottawa freight on Saturday evening at Carlsbad Springs, killing Fireman W.R. Douglas are suspended. An investigation was commenced Wednesday on behalf of the company by Mr. Morley Donaldson, superintendent. The proceedings were private and were taken to decide what punishment should be meted out to the men who were believed to have been respobsible. Conductor Summers, Engineer Cooper and Flagman Villeneuve were present as wirtnesses. Engineer Dewar is completely overcome with grief at the terrible result of his mistake. To over confidence in his ability to remember the time card is attributed the cause of the wreck. He is a man widely known and respected throughout the city. His 20 years of service have been clear of all trouble nor is there an entry opposite his name in the charge book. The sincere sympathy of many friends both on the road and in the city is being extended to him. |