In which I start
at Reading University and begin to watch the activity at Reading
General station.
Saturday 1 October I have had a receipt for the number plate. I don't know when it will be delivered. I went up the High Street this morning and went to 10 Spur Road to say goodbye to Auntie Edie, Uncle Jim and Trevor. This afternoon I played for the 'Combe 2nd Colts against Borough Road College - a teachers training college. They completely outclassed us and they won 18-0. It was quite a good game and I had quite a struggle in the front row. Sunday 2 October I got up early this morning because of the extra hour. Have been collecting my stuff together ready too pack tomorrow. I've been burning some of Dad's old trousers. I'm very surprised he parted with them. After dinner we caught the train to West Dulwich and walked to Auntie Min's. Its her 81st birthday tomorrow. She's really amazing. Auntie Win and Uncle Alf and Auntie Lil and Uncle Bill were there so we had quite a party. Auntie Min seemed a bit subdued - it may be because of her heart. Uncle Fred was his same bright self - he keeps on calling me "titch". Monday 3 October This is my last day at home for a little while. I spent the morning packing - we'd jammed everything into one case when we found it was broken so we had to hastily change it all over. I caught the 4.19 train from Orpington to Waterloo and the 15.24 to Reading. Mum and Dad came up with me and on to the platform. Mum was nearly in tears. I don't know why - its not for long. The journey to Reading was uneventful . I passed Feltham marshalling yard - nothing much to see though. I took a taxi to Berkeley Avenue. The house seems very good indeeed. The two students who are with me seem very friendly. Went round the town in the evening. (I used the slower Southern line from Waterloo rather than the Western one from Paddington because the transfer in London with baggage is easier - as I became more familiar with the Western line, this became mre promnent in my travels.) Tuesday 4 October In getting to the University today I passed over the Reading Central Goods Yard or Coley branch which I later came to know as a fireman. 3219 in Reading Central morning and evening. Had a look at the University buildings today. Went first of all to the main buildings. They are fairly old. Afterwards I went to The Faculty of Letters building in Whiteknights Park. This building is much more modern (opened 1957). My interview with the Dean went off smoothly. I shall be taking politically economy, geography and either philosophy or psychology. After lunch we went down to the Thames. Went to the reception at St David's Hall, it seems quite a good place, though it is a bit crowded. St. Davids Halls was for those living in digs i.e. not in a residential hall. Wednesday 5 October 3219 in Reading Central morning and evening. Started this morning with a talk about the university in general by the Vice chancellor, Sir John Wolfenden. He gave a very interesting and at times, amusing, speech. After coffee in the Buttery we went on to the central chemistry lecture theater and attended a debate. It was an uproar for most of the time, the reason being that the Rag committee was there in force. The famous long knitted scarf was produced and paraded over the heads of the sitting “froshers”. Have bought a second-hand gown. I look right nit in it. Went to the Froshers hop in the evening in the Great Hall. I managed to dance a quick step. Thursday 6 October 2212 in Reading Central morning and evening. I have spent most of the day in the Letters faculty. First thing, there was a talk on the “Undergraduate and the University”, after which we had a look at the exhibitions organized by the various societies. I have put my name down for a large number including the Rugrer club, the Sailing club, the Fencing Club and the Mountaineering club. This afternoon we met our tutors and the heads of our departments. Professor Campbell was very friendly and helpful. After this I lost the others and made my way back to the digs at Berkley avenue in quite strong rain. Stopped in most of the evening. Friday 7 October Had my first lecture this morning, it was also my first class on psychology. I had to have an early breakfast as the lecture was at 9.00 in Whiteknights. The rest of the day I have had free. I have been into Wantage Hall, it is a red brick house which is built around the four sides of a quadrangle. After dinner at the Buttery I went along to the General station. It is quite busy. There is a mixture of Western (Kings, Castles, Halls, Granges and 61xx tanks, Southern Us and N15s, WDs and diesels (locomotives and multiple units). The fast trains go through the through lines at a tremendous pace, the engines are swaying from side to side and the tenders seem to be going in the opposite direction to the locomotive. Afterwards I went to Whitenights to the meeting of the Letters Faculty Froshers which was addressed by the Dean - the usual pep talk. Went to the meeting of the Fencing Club in the evening. It was quite good - it's more difficult than I thought and it is using muscles I didn't know I had! Saturday 8 October Unfortunately I have a lecture on meteorology on Saturday mornings which doesn't finish until 11 o'clock. Worse still, we have to sign our names. After this I went into the town and eventually found my way to the station. The most unusual engine was a Manor no. 7806 (station pilot?). I also saw Warship class no. D827 "Kelly” on an up passenger train. It arrived Reading at 12:00, 20 minutes late. The driver told me that the reason for this lateness was that there had been cattle on the line. They had already made up some of the time and he hoped to make up even more before they reached Paddington. There was a vast number of people in the diesel's cabs. It was running in from Swindon. This took a week. Today was the last day for “Kelly”. Went up to the rugger club in the afternoon and played a trial in the pouring rain, didn't do much. Sunday 9 October Had a late breakfast (9.30) and went up to St. David's for an hour or so. It was raining first thing but it soon cleared up and I went for a walk in an area which I hadn't been in before to the north and west of General station. It isn't a particularly salubrious part of the town. After dinner we were going to look at Coley Park but the weather turned nasty again so we went to St. David's instead and saw a football match between Hungary and Yugoslavia, on TV. It was a draw 1 - 1. I must say that Mrs. Beech provides really good meals, we didn't want to move afterwards.
10 October Tuesday 11 October A new shunter in the central Goods depot. 0-6-0 tank No.9406 without its smokebox number plate. This has been my working day - experimental psychology, political economy in Whiteknights and the geography and two hours of psychology practical in the main site. The practical psychology was very interesting indeed, we were given a short film and had to make a report. Afterwards we had to answer a questionnaire. It was intended to show the fallability of memory - it certainly worked. Afterwards I went to the public library and took out a ticket- it is certainly better than the Orpington one. Spent a lazy evening up in the Griffin room at St. David's. Wednesday 12 October Have only had one lecture this morning, political economy, this was on economic theory. The lecturer, I don't know his name, is quite an old man who wheezes a great deal, but is very amusing in parts. Afterwards I did some work in the students common room. Had dinner in the Buttery and afterwards went to the rugby trials. I played in the “A” game throughout. There were three sessions of 20 minutes each. I was pretty fagged out at the end. This time I was playing with a black shirt. Have stayed in this evening writing letters. I wrote a 10 page Letter to Mum and Dad. I hope they can decipher it. Thursday
13 October Friday
14 October Friday
15 October Sunday 16 October Monday 17 October Had a free morning. I went to the public library and spent some time there. Afterwards I came back to St. David's and copied up some notes. After lunch in the Buttery with Tony and Simon I went to geography. We experimented by not wearing our gowns but just carrying them. It went off all right. Spent the rest of the afternoon in the Griffin room, reading books. It started to rain about four and we came home in quite a heavy downfall. At least I have found one good use for my gown, it keeps my books dry. Have spent the evening at home doing some work. Mr. Beech brought in a new type of chocolate for me to try.
18 October Wednesday 19 October One lecture in Whiteknights first thing. Afterwards I went down to David's and collected my two shirts from the laundry in London street. They have done them very well indeed but I think it is very expensive, 1/8 per shirt. I should go somewhere else next time. Did some work in one of the studies at the top of David's until lunch. Afterwards I went with Tommy Williams to Palmer Park where I played with the fourth XV against Alfred Sutton secondary modern school. We won 11 - 0. I had quite a good game particularly taking in the loose. They certainly made us run around. Thursday 20 October The weather hasn't been very good today, it has been raining on and off for most of the day and it came on quite hard around 6.00. Have had two lectures today on the main site and one at Whiteknights. Have spent the rest of the time either copying up lectures or reading. Have tried some of Mrs. Watkins bread, butter and jam. It's delicious. The bread is very thick and very new and the butter and jam have to be spread on thickly to get rid of it all. It did some rugby training this evening in the gym.
21 October Saturday 22 October The weather has been really atrocious for most of the day. There has been almost continuous rain up till about 4:00 and it has been very dull and dark because of the low cloud. It has been misty and to cap it all I think I have a cold coming. After geography practical I did some shopping and went to the General station. The diesel on the 11.45 for Paddington was D828 "Magnificent ", which was still being run in. The engineer told me that the new Swindon built locomotives are tested for four days before they are handed over to the running department. Production at Swindon is at the rate of one every 2 - 3 weeks. There are four more to be built and after that they will build some more powerful ones. I also saw two “700” class engines, no.30308 working an up freight through the Western station and no. 30692 shunting carriages in Redding South. My rugby match was canceled so I went to see the first XV play Southampton. The result was 0-0 although we should have won. Spent most of the evening trying to think up a script for Carouse with Tony and David Cameron. Sunday 23 October Didn't get up until 9:00 this morning - had a good lie in. Have written a letter to Jean, I don't really want to but I'll have to in order to avoid a punch up when I get home. Went out into the town this morning in order to find a restaurant for when Mum and Dad come up next Sunday. There is a fairly cheap Chinese restaurant in Chain Street. They are relaying a pair of points in the General station - it was quite interesting. Went to the casting rehearsals for Carouse this evening. Our script is coming on.
24 October Tuesday
25 October Wednesday
26 October Thursday
27 October Friday
28 October Saturday
29 October Sunday 30 October I went down to the station to meet Mum and Dad. They were both very pleased to see me. We went for a walk down by the river and had dinner in the Chinese restaurant in Chain Street. It was very good especially the chips! Afterwards we went up to Whiteknights and had a look at the museum then came back and had tea at Lyons. It had begun to rain by this time and we caught a bus home so that Mum and Dad could meet Mr. and Mrs. Beech. Mr. Beech took them to the station. It was good to see them again. Monday 31 October Have now got my bike fully operational, I have fitted a dynamo and lights which Dad brought up yesterday. Have booked seats for Iolanthe by Gilbert and Sullivan for tomorrow, it is in the Town Hall. Have done some work this morning. Had geography this afternoon, it was very interesting- meteorology. After this we had tea in the Griffin room and I did some reading. This evening I wrote some letters in the Griffin room and also played a couple of games of table tennis with Tommy Williams. The rain came down again at about 4.00. The whole country will be underwater soon.
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