Six Railwaymen in Search of the Russian Winter  - Transport Canada, March-April 1974.
 Russian Railways Studied by Carol Goar - Ottawa Citizen, May 1974
 So we called it "Churchill" instead. (St. Kitts Railway)  - Branchline, January 1982.
 Update on the St. Kitts Railway  - Branchline, July/August 1983.
 Sapucay  -  Branchline, September 1985.
 Don't Pet the Rattlesnakes  - Branchline, January 1987.
 Rehabilitation of the Panama Railroad  - Branchline, December 1999.
 Travels in Bolivia  - The Interchange, Summer 2003.
  An Update on the St. Kitts Railway - Branchline, February 2008.
  The Three Rs - Part One - Ottawa Central Railway, Spareboard, April 2008.
  The Three Rs - Part Two- Ottawa Central Railway, Spareboard, May 2008.
  Trials and Tribulation of  Railway Inspections - The Interchange, December 2008.
   The Strangest train Order - The Interchange, January 2009.
  Take a Broom to Work - Interchange, May 2009.
  Broad Gauge Relic in the Azores - Branchline, May 2010.
  How to Combat Trespassers - The Interchange. November 2010
  Railway Tea Tales - Taking tea in Argentina - The Interchange, January 2011
  My Own Train - Branchline November December 2015
  Brains Blown Out (Paraguay) - OVAR Interchange May 2024

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