Shantymen Snippets
![]() From the Ottawa Free Press, 11 October 1881: The Brockville recorder gets off the following: One of our back country exchanges announces the recent construction of a new car on the Canada Pacific (sic) for the exclusive use of shantymen, and says it is large and high. There ought to be a bar in both ends and the rest left for a battleground. From the Ottawa Free Press, 27 April 1882: The railway authorities at the Union Station have made a good move. They will not permit any shantyman under the influence of liquor to depart in any of the trains, but will detain them till they come to their sober senses. This will save a good deal of trouble and - the windows of the cars. Yesterday an inebriated shantyman attempted to board an up train on the C.P.R. but was gently prevented from doing so by Constable Tom Graves, who held him in check until the train departed. The man of the woods turned up sober this morning, and was then allowed to proceed to his destination up the river. From the Ottawa Free Press, 22 August 1881: On Friday last a second class car on the Canadian Pacific Railway, was left standing on a down grade, with brakes down, at Carleton Place, while the balance of the train was being shunted. The car contained some seventy shanty men, returning to the city from up the river. A freight car was standing some one hundred yards off on the same track. One of the occupants of the second class car, unwittingly let go the brake, the car, as a result, starting at a swift pace down the grade, and colliding with the freight car, made a loud crash, damaging the latter car considerably. The shantymen, who were all more or less shook up by the collision, blamed it on the train hands, and were going to clear out the station, when it was discovered that it was one of their own number who had perpetrated the act. |