![]() ![]() ![]() Both pictures taken 5 December 1909 LAC C30310, LAC PA 165400 Ottawa Citizen 2 December 1909 FIRST REGULAR TRAIN DEC. 5 . C. N. R. Passengers From Quebec Here Sunday. First Train Out on Sunday Night at 8.30. Preliminary Arrangements on New Railway. The first regular passenger trains in and out of Ottawa on the C. N. R. will run on Sunday December 5. Mr. Tombs, the general freight and passenger agent for the eastern lines the C. N. R.. is now in Ottawa completing arrangements with Mr. S. Montgomery, the newly appointed local freight and passenger agent. The first passenger train from Quebec, over the line to Ottawa, will leave the Ancient Capital at 11 o'clock Saturday night arriving in Ottawa at ?45 o'clock Sunday morning. The first passenger train out of Ottawa will leave Sunday night at 8.30 o'clock arriving in Quebec Monday morning 8.30 o'clock. This will be a daily service. The equipment on this route will all be new, the through buffet sleepers being of the American palace car type, a combination parlor and sleeper car. The beds, when not in use are carried in a recess under the coach. This road will pass through some of the most attractive scenery this side of the Rockies, including thirty miles along the Ottawa river and forty miles skirting the St. Lawrence. One end of the cars will therefore be fitted up as observation cars ??. Breakfast will be served on board, also dinner when leaving Ottawa, if desired. In addition to these through trains there will be local trains leaving each day at eight o'clock in the morning for Rockland, Hawkesbury, Lachute, Joliette and other points, returning in the evening. Mr. Tombs in conversation with a Citizen representative, expressed the hope that the road would receive good encouragement, both as to freight and passengers, as new territory was opened up to Ottawans and the new line was resulting lower passenger and freight rates. It has already been stated a temporary station is being erected on the corner of Gladstone avenue and the Hurdman road and a bus will run to from all trains between the station and the city office which will be located, temporarily at least, in the Russell house block. In the summer time a specialy arranged tourists' trip from New York, arriving in Ottawa, will be arranged. Ottawa Citizen 6 December 1909 FIRST TRAIN ON NEW RAILWAY C. N. R. of Ontario Came Into Ottawa. Inaugurating New Service on Sunday. Railway Men Interested in the Event. With the arrival in Ottawa yesterday mornirg of the first passenger train over the newly constructed Canadian Northern Ontario railway, new era in transportation facilities has dawned for the Capital of Canada. No small event in the history of the city was the inauguration of the C.N.R. train service yesterday, as one more big link was added to the East and Atlantic seaboard connection. There were about a thousand people at the station to the south of Hurdman's road when the train pulled in at 11.30 o'clock, and many pleased expressions were heard from the crowd over the magnificiently equipped engine and passenger cars. The train, was made up of engine 180, a big "Kingston" type passenger engine. one baggage car. three passenger coaches and one sleeper. Conductor J. B. Hibbard. Montreal, was in charge, and the train crew was composed of James Latter, Montreal, engineer; J, Roy, Montreal, fireman, L. McAllister, Montreal trainman and W. Lewis, Montreal, baggageman. Among those on board were: General superintendent. F. M. Spidal, Montreal, general manager and freight agent, Guy Tombs. Montreal, and Supt. Richardson, master mechanic, T. C. Hutchison, general car foreman, A. R. Holtby. Quebec; besides over two hundred passengers picked up along the line. who crowded the coaches. Owing to a recent order of the railway commission the C. N. R. have been forced to build a temporary station to the south of Hurdman's road, as the order prohibited them coming over the road on the level. It is probable that a subway will be built in the near future to permit of the line running; into Central station. The C.N R. have opened an uptown office in the Russell house block, 30 Sparks street. which is in charge of Mr. S. J. Montgomery, city freight and passenger agent. Mr. John Leyden is station and freight agent. With the coming of the C. N. R. the time of travel between Quebec and Ottawa is materially cut down. Yesterday's train left Quebec at 11 p.m. Saturday night and for the first trip with heavy traffic: made excellent time. The return trip was started at 8.30 last night, the due time at Quebec being ?.20 a.m. There will be two passenger trains each day leaving Ottawa at ?a.m. and 8.30 p.m.and two due to arrive at 6.10 p.m. and 9.45 a.m. Much favorable comment over the finely appointed cars, which the crowd took the opportunity, to look over. The American Palace Car company's sleeper was an object of especial interest. These beautiful cars are convertible into chair cars in the day time, but at night the chairs are put down through the floor. of the cars and the beds come up. A buffet is maintained in connection with these cars and the service is exceptionally good. The day cars are all new. There were many prominent citizens and. railwaymen down to greet the arrival including Messrs. R.W. McCormick, asst. supt. C.P.R., Geo. Duncan, city ticket agent C.P.R. and others. The company supplied free motor buses to the station for both morning and evening trains and these were taken advantage of to the full. The buses will leave the Russell house each day one half hour before train time for the convenience of passengers. Ottawa Journal 6 December 1909 The first train direct from Quebec City to Ottawa reached the Capital yesterday morning at about 11:30 o'clock and marked the entrance of the Canadian Northern Railway into this city. The initial trip was successful in every way. Upwards of 400 passengers from Quebec, St. Jerome, Joliette, Lachute, Montreal and Rockland reached the new railway station at the corner of Hurdman's road and Gladstone avenue. They found there between 300 and 500 people to meet them. The train consisted of six coaches drawn by engine no. 180. And of the coaches one was the convertible buffet sleeper "Balmoral" and another the convertible parlor car "Medley". As the train approached the bend in the track near the station it was assisted by a second engine; but with the exception of this the entire trip was made with the one engine drawing the six coaches, which were all crowded. Second occasion. Among the passengers was Mr. S.J. Rolland, ex-mayor of St. Jerome. It is interesting to recall that he was on the train that made the first trip from St. Jerome to St. Sophie, twenty-one years ago, and which line has since become part of the Canadian Northern system. The train crew consisted of: conductor, Mr. G.B. Hibbard, Montreal; brakeman Mr. Lawrence McAllister, Montreal; baggageman, W. Lewis; engineer, Mr. James Later, Joliette; fireman, Mr. Joseph Roy, Montreal. The train left Quebec at 11:15 o'clock Saturday night. Under the new timetable, which goes into effect at once, the train will leave there at 11 o'clock each night. The officials claim this route from Quebec to Ottawa is shorter than any other and that as a result the travelling public can now go from the Capital to Quebec quicker than ever before. Ottawans who are now going to Europe will now be able to leave here by the C.N.R. at night and reach Quebec in time to go on the ocean liner the next morning. Officials Abroad [sic] Many officials were on the train -- full details-- The station quarters now used are only temporary. It is intended as soon as the necessary permission of the Railway Commission is forthcoming, to make arrangements so that the C.N.R. trains can come into the Union station. Until then an arrangement has been made for taking passengers to and from the temporary station. Motor buses will leave No. 30 Sparks street, the city office of the C.N.R. half an hour before all trains leave, and will also meet the trains. Were entertained. There were several Quebec newspapermen on the train and with others were entertained in the parlour car of the train by the C.N.R. officials. On the arrival here the officials had luncheon at the Russell House. They were welcomed by Mr. Guy Tombs, general passenger agent, Montreal and Mr. S.J. Montgomery, general freight and passenger agent, Ottawa, and by Mr. F. Williams on behalf of local newspaper men. After that they had an automobile ride and visited many of the points of interest in the city. In charge here. Mr. Montgomery is in charge here, while Mr. John Leyden will attend to business at the Gladstone avenue station. A "Y" has been built on the Cyrville road near the station, which will enable the engine to be turned around so as to allow of making the return trip. Freight sheds are well under way and will soon be completed. The intention is to have a train leave Ottawa every day, including Sunday, at 8.30 o'clock and one will arrive each morning at 9.15. Besides this there will be a daily service (Sundays excepted) from here to Joliette. This train will leave each morning at 8 o'clock and get back to the Capital at 6.10 p.m. The cars supplied are most comfortable, are well heated, and there is every accommodation for the travelling public. Advantage to Rockland The present service does not connect directly with Montreal, and any Montrealers who were on the train reaching here yesterday connected by way of the Joliette branch out of Montreal. The C.N.R., however, intends later on to have a Montreal branch and a direct service from here to there. Work on this line is to be started in the spring. The new line will be a decided advantage to residents of Rockland and other places quite near to the city. Heretofore, they have been able to come to the city on week days but not on Sundays. By catching he Quebec-Ottawa train each morning they can now spend the Sunday in the Capital, returning the same night. Merrickville Star-Chronicle 9 Dece,ber 1909 First Train. The first train over the new line of the Canadian Northern Railway from Quebec to Ottawa arrived at Ottawa on Sunday morning at 11.30 o'clock. The new road runs through a country which has never heretofore been served by a railroad. Along the way are a series of flourishing rural centres and a prosperous farming community. The distance from Ottawa to Quebec is shortened by two hours. |