The Railways of Ottawa

Finding No. 21   Railway Structures Destroyed (Mainly) by Fire

Ottawa and Gatineau Valley Station at Gracefield Destroyed by Fire 18 December 1895

Ottawa Journal  19 December 1895

Gracefield depot on the O. & G.V. Ry. destroyed.
The O. & G.V. Ry. station at Gracefield was completely destroyed by fire last evening.  The agent, Mr. James T. Hoolihan, had locked up the station to go to supper and while he was absent it caught fire.  When help arrived the whole interior of the building was in flames and none of the contents or the building itself could be saved.  The loss involved reaches $1,500, which is but slightly covered by insurance.  The origin of the fire is unknown.  Superintendent Resseman went up to Gracefield on a special today to inquire into the fire.
Also covered in Renfrew Mercury 27 December.

Ottawa Citizen 20 Decenber 1895

The railway station at Gracefield, Que., was burned down last night [sic] while the agent was away to supper. Cause of fire is unknown

Ottawa Journal 20 December 1895

The small O. & G. Ry. station at Ironsides, which is now unused, is to be removed to Gracefield to serve as a temporary station until another is erected to replace the one burned down on Wednesday evening.

Updated 9 October 2021

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