The Railways of Ottawa

Finding No. 21   Railway Structures Destroyed (Mainly) by Fire

Canadian National Casselman Station and Freight Shed 12 September 1937

Ottawa Citizen 13 September 1937

Station at Casselman destroyed by fire.
Fire, which was discovered shortly afternoon on Sunday, completely destroyed the C.N.R. station and freight shed at Casselman, 31 miles east of Ottawa.  The loss, according to railway officials, is confined to the frame building, 60 feet by 30 feet in size and erected about 30 years ago.
While the cause of the blaze is unknown, it is attributed to defective electric wiring.  A passer-by noticed smoke issuing from the freight shed, which had been closed since Saturday, and raised the alarm by sounding the church bell.  According to railway officials there were only a few pieces of freight and express in the building and they along with all the tickets and safe were saved.
Armed with a pumper the volunteer brigade attacked the blaze and while they were unable to save the building, prevented the flames from spreading.  No delay in traffic on the Ottawa-Montreal line, which runs through Casselman, resulted from the fire.

Library and Archives
RG 46 vol. 1573 file 24619 Casselman
26 September 1938 from CNR to Board
Application for approval of plan showing proposed location and layout of new station at Casselman. (This is on the south side)
30 September 1938 from Casselman No objection

Board of Railway Commissioners Order No. 56503 of  6 October 1938
Approves the location and layout of new Canadian National Rys. station at Casselman.

Updated 1 October 2021

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